


Status: Needs Review

Sept. 1, 1885
(L229) To Ida Lunsford Dr
mdse for Mrs. Turrentine [220?]

(L74) To Columbus Haskins Dr
mdse for Mrs. Turrentine 150

(L117) To Bettie Haskins Dr
mdse for Mrs. Turrentine 50

(L69) S.M. Lashley Dr
mds(scribbled) 2 Bales snuf 10

(L30) D Cameron Dr
To mdse for Bettie 30
" " Love 21
" " Lett 25

(L85) To W.C. Lashley Dr
1 Bot. Castor Oil 40
1 B of Lye 10
1 Box Blueing
1 Riding Bridle 125

(L104) To Fairntosh Dr
mdse Amy Shaw 100

(L252) Mrs. Turrentine Dr
mdse on order Amy Shaw 60
(L46) To B. Cameron Dr
10 lbs. nails 50

(L249) Wyatt Ruffin Dr
mdse 50

(L231) To Jake Sowell Dr
mdse 50

(L69) To S.M. Lashley Dr
Ginger 05
spice 05
1/2 gal Vinegar

(L14[1?]) To Wash Boswell Dr
5 lbs. meat [63?]

Paid To [W?] E. Satta Dr
mdse for Mrs. Turrentine 60 Paid

Notes and Questions

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Anna Agbe-Davies

one consistent thing I'm seeing is what you are reading as "B of" is probably "Box" or occasionally "Bot" (bottle). Those sloppy final letters trip up a lot of people.

Anna Agbe-Davies

There are some interesting transactions happening here that I'm not quite sure what to make of. Why are all of these people buying things on their own accounts for Mrs. Turrentine?