



Status: Indexed

books of the Contract and Finance Company
at the time when you paid notes made
by these individuals of whom you have spoken?

A. The notes made by the members of
the Contract and Finance Company?

Q. 625 Yes.

A. I considered them as Company notes.

Q. 626 Were the persons you have spoken of
Leland Stanford, C. P. Huntington, Mark
, Charles Crocker and E. B. Crocker
the same persons of similar names who were
directors of the Central Pacific Railroad Company?

A. Well, I have no means of knowing
whether they were directors of that Company,
except from report.

Q. 627 You do not know whether they were or not?

A. I do not know. I think they were. I have
seen advertisements in the papers representing
that they were. They are generally "represented"[scribbled out]
supposed to have been.

Q. 628 You say you entered those as Company

A. I considered them as Company notes.

Q. 629 Did you ever negotiate any such Com=
=pany notes as you speak of?

A. I don't know that I ever negotiated one.

Q. 630 Let me refresh your recollection. Did
you not obtain from A. A. Cohen the sum of

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