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6 revisions
California State Library at Aug 13, 2019 05:22 PM


American Flag (on left side)
Upside down red Triangle (on right side)


"With the Colors"

- 2 -

In the navy you sit down at a table
and you have real plates cups and good eats.
But in the army you get tin eating gear
and eat any place you can find to put your
stuff down. Then you have to wash your
own utensils fold them up and bring them
with you every time you eat.

We get more liberty here than on the
ship we are on 24 hour then have
24 hour liberty. I had liberty yesterday
so I went into town to get my pipe
fixed to day I am on duty from 4 to 8
to night and 4 to 8 to morrow morning
Then I get off from 12 to morrow till
12 the next day. You did not say what
that card was from the treasury dept.
If it was the allotment notice write the
next time and tell me how much they
sent. We will be here for two week
but send mail to same address as they
send to the ship every day for it and if there
is any mail we get it.


American Flag (on left side)
Upside down red Triangle (on the right side)


"With the Colors"

- 2 -

In the navy you sit down at a table
and you have real plates cups and good eats.
But in the army you get tin eating gear
and eat any place you can find to put your
stuff down. Then you have to wash your
own utensils fold them up and bring them
with you every time you eat.

We get more liberty here than on the
ship we are on 24 hour then have
24 hour liberty. I had liberty yesterday
so I went into town to get my pipe
fixed to day I am on duty from 4 to 8
to night and 4 to 8 to morrow morning
Then I get off from 12 to morrow till
12 the next day. You did not say what
that card was from the treasury dept.
If it was the allotment notice write the
next time and tell me how much they
sent. We will be here for two week
but send mail to same address as they
send to the ship every day for it and if there
is any mail we get it.