


Status: Indexed


Distance to the nearest public road, railroad station, or steamboat landing, and to which.
The distance to the nearest public road, at Newport in Yaquina Bay, is five miles.

Tower or other means used for supporting the lantern and apparatus. Tower

Number of separate lights. One

When first built or established. 1870

When last thoroughly rebuilt, repaired, or renovated.
Slight repairs made in 1880

Condition at this date. Good

Shape of tower in plan. Circular

Height of tower from base to focal plane of lantern. Eighty one (81) feet

Height of focal plane of lantern above the mean sea or lake level. one hundred and fifty one (151) feet

Back ground of the light-house, upon which it is projected, as seen from the sea or lake. Dark

Color of tower. White

Color of tower, how produced. Painted

Tower—connected with keepers’ dwelling, and how, or detached. Detached

Object: sea-coast, lake-coast, bay, harbor, channel, or range; for general or local navigating purposes.
Sea Coast

Materials of which the tower is built. Brick

General description, embracing—
Thickness of walls at base. Three (3) feet
Thickness of walls at parapet. Twenty (20) feet
Diameter of tower at base. Twenty eight (28) feet
Diameter of tower at parapet. Sixteen (16) feet

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