



Status: Complete

that she is no person for you to live with It is ridiculous
that she cannot settle down with Ethel. As far as the
money is concerned, you must not worry for one moment
my darling, or talk about "my money" or any such
nonsense. You know that I never think of it in that
way for a moment, + everything is ours + nothing
is mine. As you say- the great thing now is to
maintain our savings + perhaps add a little to them-
I think we shall be able to. I really am remarkably
careful. + literally have not bought a stitich of clothing
since my new pair of suede shoes last September. Two
weeks ago, I have changed into summer pants- I find
that I only have two serviceable pairs + they are
rather full of holes. But I have set my face against
buying any more. + [?] is cooperating with
me by doing the washing himself + so insuring a
quick turn round. I'm quite determined to spend the
absolute minimum on clothes + everything else. You
are being a darling about money too + I'm sure that
the money we save during this was will bring us
wonderful dividends when it is over, by way of
happiness + joy together, + the purchase of more
lasting things which we can enjoy together. But
as I keep saying, you must not be too stingy
with yourself my darling. Your position is quite
different to mine + you need to spend more
money on Marie + yourself- + living is much
more expensive in England than in Palestine
Thursday- Apr 16 I'm sorry to appear to be giving

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