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Alexander and Queen Candace. 99

thou will vouche-saffe for to wende with me vn-to my moder quene
Candace, that scho may rewarde the for this that thou hase done for
me.' And when Alexander herde this he was riyte gladde. For
he had gretely desyrede for to see quene Candace & hir citee also.
And than he sayd: 'Goo we,' quoth he, 'to the emperour and asche
hym leue.' And thay did soo; and when he had leue, he went
wit Candeolus. And as thay went to-gedir thay come till heghe
mountaynes that reched vp to the clowdes and apon tham thare growed
trees of a wonderfull heghte lyke * vn-to cedres that bare appills
of Inde riyte grete, Of the whilk Alexander wonnderde hym
gretly. Thay saw also thare vynes growe wit wondere grete
bobbis of grapes; for a man myyte vnnethey bere an of tham.
Thare ware also trees that bare nuttey als grete als gourddey.
And thare ware also many apes. Fra theine thay went & come
to the citee of quene Candace.

And when) Candace herd tett pat hir son) Candeolus and They come to

his wyfe ware comande and ware safe & sounde, And at i^ountams

•^ 'that reach

a messangere of kyng Alexarider come wit pam), scho was np to the sky,

T , T , T , -1-1 1 • 11 with wondrous

wonder gladde; and onane scho arayed? hir ryally as a tall trees and

20 quene suld be, and sett apofD hir hedde a croun) futt ryche vmeswith

-^ -^ "^ great bunches

att of golde sett fult of pr^cyouse stanes, and went furthe of grapes and

wit hir lordes to J^e ^ates of hir palace, for to mete hir son) gourds and

Candeok^s and Alexander messanser. This quene was a won- ^lany apes

^ '■ ^ were there.

24 derefaire lady & a semely; And when) Alexander saw hir, hjm They come to

thoghte als he hade sene his moder Olympias. Hir palace was comes arrayed

wonder ryatle & pr^cyouse and att be ruffe bar^-of schane wit *^ ^^^t them

■'-' as a queen.

golde & precyouse stanes. Than) quene Candace tuke Alexander she is of

28 bi J^e hande, And ledd hym vp tilt hir chambir, whare ]?are f^Ther palace

ware beddes arayed? wit pe fyneste clathes of golde J?at myghte ^^ ^^ch,

be getyfi); And pat chambir was of golde & precyous stanes, to her privy

pe whilke are called Onychyns & pe burde; & pe bynkes of l£''^onderfu?

32 euour & Smaragde5 & Amatistes. pe Pelers of pe Palace ware works of art.
alt of Marble, And ]:>ar ware grauen) in psiufi cartes of werre,
pat semed" to mannes sighte as psij hadd' bene rynnand"; And
Ob^phauntes tredand" men) vnder faire fete. Vndernethe J>at
36 Palace rane a water wonder swete, & clere as any cristatte.

1 The scribe first wrote ' a?i heghe', but />e cedres. On leaf 42 it continues li/ke
then scratched out the an. vn-to cedres.


On leaf 41 we have the words lyke to


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