106 Alexander ascends into the air and descends into the sea




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mete for the grippes. And than he wente and sett hym in
the chayere. And onane the grippes bare hym vp in the ayer so
hye that Alexander thoghte all the erthe na mare than a flure thare men thresschey corne, and the See lyke a dragon abowte 4
the erthe. Than sodaynly a speeyatt vertu of godd vmbilapped
the grippes that gart tham discende doune to the erthe in a felde:
ten .x. day iournee fra the Oste, and he hadd na hurt ne na
schathe in the chayere. Bot wit grete disesse at the laste he 8
come till his Oste.

¹After this Alexander ymagened in his hert that he walde knaw
the preuates that are in the see. And onane he gart come bifore
hym att the Maister glasyers that ware in the Oste, And comandede 12
tham to make hym a grete tounne of passandly clere glasse that
he myghte thurgh it clerely see [att] maner of thynge that ware witowtten
it. And when it was made he gart trelesse it al abowte
witowtten wit barres of yren and feste thare-to lang cheynes of 16
yren, and gart a certane of the strangeste & maste tristy knyghtes
that langed vn-till hym halde thir cheynes. And than he went in-to
the tounne & gart pykke wele the entree whare he went in, and
than late it doun into the See. And thare he sawe dyuerse 20
schappes of fisches of dyuerse colours ; and sum he sawe hafe
the schappe of dyuerse bestey here one the lande, gangande on
fete as bestey dose here & etande fruyte of treesse that growez on
the See grunde. Thir bestey come till hym. Bot onane as thay 24
saw hym thorow the glasse thay fledde fra hym. He sawe thare
also many other meruaylous thyngey, the whilke he walde tell na
man bi-cause men walde noghte hafe trowed tham if he had
talde tham, and at a certayne houre thase that he hadd assyngned 28
be-fore, his knyghtes drewe hym vp oute of the See.

²Fra theine tyay Remowed Folowande the bankes of the Rede
See, and luged tham in a place, whare thare ware wylde Bestey
that hade on thaire heuedis hornes lyke vn-to * sawes, and thay 32
ware als scharpe als swerdey. And with thire hornes thay slewe
& hurte many knyghtis of Alexanders & clone thaire cheldes in
sonder. Neuer-the-lesse Alexander knyghtis slew of tham ccccli.

³And fra theine thay remowed and come in-till wilderness 36

¹ Four lines with red capital A and
small a in the margin beside.

² Three lines with red capital F and
small f in margin besides.

³ Three lines with red capital A and
small a in the margin beside.

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I'm not sure if the " łł " are two l's or two t's so I used them according to how I felt they meant in my translation of the sentence the words were in. Is there an explicit rule for this?