(seq. 143)




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Lect 5

Sometimes little Knots in Nerves called Ganglions
or Swellings of the Nerves their Figure is different & they
are in great Numbers in the Intercostal Nerve & are oppos=
ite to every Vertebra, some are long, others round. At their
place, the Substance of the Nerve seems to be changed softer & more red, the first cervical Ganglion of the inter=
costal Nerve is the largest in the Body. Ganglions are found, where the Nerves give off their Branches. The Gang=
of the Nerve is the Anatomical Ganglion, but the Chi=
rurgical Ganglion, for which is generally called a Ganglion in Surgery is a swelling of the Tendon

Of their Structure & Use
Some, as [Lancessi?] says, are swellings of the Muscualr Fibres
he calls them Corcula or little Hearts, which he thinks by cont=
racting stop the Nervous Influence or over=rules it, therefore
Ganglions are not in Nerves going to the Organs of sense
as the Ear, Eye, etc As they must be always ready to receive
Impressions & such an Apparatus in them would be needless
but in those only that go to the Muscles. Others thought, that
every little ganglion was an Additamentum of the Brain, pro=
ducing more nervous Filaments, but in its Texture, it ap=
pears different from the Brain, nor should we imagine

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