(seq. 147)




Status: Complete

Lect 5
producion an action in the muscles move
distinctly in some than in others. To them are owing
both that Universal sensation diffused thro the whole
body & those distinct sensation sin the different parts of the
Body they give notice of approaching danger & in short are the
instruments by which the mind operates & is operated upon.
the body are affected with pain & we can immediately point out
the exact place where it is seated. this seems to be owing in
a great measure to our being assisted by the sight in making
the Inquiry & by a perfect Knowledge of the Form & ituation
&c of the extermal surface of our body so that we can tell
instantly what part is affected but when the pain is more deeply
seated suppose in some of the Viscera we cannot so exactly
determine the place & extent of the pain this can only be owing
to our not being accustomed to see & handle those Parts not being
exposed to those senses so that our knowledge in the former particular
must be only the result of Observation & experience &
we learn by practice to acquire a distinct command of our muscles.

Of the Action of the Nerves
From experiements the following Phenomena have been observed
1s that if a nerve going to any part be destroyed, the part loses
its sensation or if the nerve be only compressed for a time

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