(seq. 33)




Status: Needs Review

48 Partridge Street
West Roxbury, Mass
June 21, 1949

Dr. Miriam Van Waters, Supt.
Reformatory for Women
Framingham, Massachusetts

Dear Dr. Van Waters,
I am writing you this urgent not in the hopes that
you will be able to be of some help to me as you have been
to so many others in the past.
I was replaced on my job on last Thursday. This is
the way I received notification of my dismissal. I was
sitting at home with my wife when the phone rang at 10 P.M.
Fr. McNamarra was calling and he told me that he had re-
placed me that very evening with another fellow. The
reason given being that I do not Know how to swim or drive.
He said that my work otherwise was very satisfactory and
that he would be glad to give me a good reference. Both
my wife and I as well as my fellow workers were shocked.
I don't know which way to turn as I have my wife and two
little girls to support. I realize that things arn't too
pleasant for you with conditions as they are at the in-
stitution. But if you could help me in anyway with a con-
tact or something, I would be eternally grateful and in-
debted to you. I am interested in working with boys. I
don't have much to offer in the way of schooling, that is
at the present time. I hope to go to school part time in
the fall. Here is my background: 2 1/2 years working as head
Group Counsellor with delinquent and pre-delinquent boys,
13-17 years.
1. Charge of Program Planning

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