(seq. 94)




Status: Complete

July 6, 1950

Student letter file

Mr. Charles H. LaVache
94 West Newton Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Mr. LaVache:

Thank you for your letter July 3rd. I was
very glad you called me and that advice given helped
you secure for Ruth a decent and Christian burial. There
never ought to have been any difficulty in the first
place, because Ruth was always a good church member. Had
I known when the services were held I should have been

I am glad many of Ruth's former companions, all
girls who had been here, came to do her reverence and honor.

Miss O'Keefe and Miss Slobodzian read your letter,
and asked me to thank you for writing it. I am sure Ruth
would appreciate your thinking of her friends among us all
at this time. It is good of you to take the trouble to

As you say, Ruth had remarkable courage. She
fought as long as anyone I ever knew.

All good wishes to yourself.

Sincerely yours,

Miriam Van Waters,


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