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2 revisions
gnox at Nov 02, 2017 04:50 PM


merely to lead up to Thirdness and to the particular
kind and aspect of thirdness which is the sole object
of logical study. I want first to show you what Genuine
Thirdness is and what are its two degenerate forms.
Now we found the genuine and degenerate forms of
secondness by considering the full ideas of First and Second.
Then the genuine Secondness was found to be ReAction, where
First and Second are both true Seconds and the Secondness is something
distinct from them, while in Degenerate Secondness, or mere Reference, the First
is a mere First never attaining full Secondness.

Let us proceed in the same way with Thirdness. We
have here a First, a Second, and a Third. The first is
a Positive Qualitative Possibility, in itself nothing more. The Second
is an Existent thing without any mode of being
less than existence, but determined by that First