


Status: Complete

Aug. 12, 1897

Mr. Rush Elmore,
Tecumseh, Ks.

Dear Sir,
The grade required for passing the entrance examination is 70.
The branches and the nature of the questions you can see from the enclosed
specimen lists. The cost of board you will find stated in the catalog
herewith sent you, on page 67. You may perhaps find an opportunity to
work for you board. Students sometimes do so, and some of them are
able to find other work to help defray their expenses, tho not all can
do so. The fall term opens Sep. 9th, at which time I trust you will be
with us. Truly yours, THOMAS E. WILL, Pres.

Aug. 12, 1897.

Prof. Frank Parsons,

Dear Sir,

Pres. Will is away. I send by this mail 25 copies of the
statement of the board of regents, and you can have as many more as you
have use for. The Industrialist of July 15th is becoming scarce, but
if you need copies of the whole paper, no doubt they can be had.
From papers of which the other side was not spoiled for use, we have
saved about 40 or 50 copies of the article about yourself, as enclosed.
These are available if you desire them.

Very truly yours,

Private Secretary.

Aug. 12, 1897.

Mr. Ray S. Cole,

Dear Sir,

Your letter of Aug. 10th to Secretary Graham has been referred to
this office, as he is away. Opportunities for doing work for board are
sometimes to be found. They are usually seized by some student here on
the ground. There are other ways also by which students can make mon-
ey to pay their expenses as they go along. Not all students can do so,
because the chances are not unlimited, but many do. If you could get
enough money to make a start, you might come down and try it for one
term at least. I hope you will be able to come, and am
Very truly yours,

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