



Status: Complete

and just can't. Hope to have
more time soon, but can't tell whether
I will or not. With your request
this morning came three others -
no dates, though, and but one other a-
head; so write me at once if I may
positively rely on the 23 (as you preferred)
I'll reserve that date for you, till
I hear again. And tell John (if he's got
there yet) that my Greencastle engage-
ment is "off" indefinately, but when
I do go there I'll not forget his
request. I enclose my very latest
sketch - they're all late now - 'cause I'm
on a daily, and have to hustle 'em out
by steam. Also enclose poem, "The
Last Kiss," which I hope you will like -
'cause you're married and ought to know
more about and love, babies better'n me.
God bless us every one!
Give me a reply at once.
Yours as ever, J.W.R.

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