Letter from Clarence Edmonds Hemingway to Grace E. Hall


Letter written by Clarence E. Hemingway to Grace E. Hall, dated January 17, 1896.

This is a scanned version of the original image in Special Collections and Archives at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.




Oak Park, Ill. - 10 P.M. Friday Evening Jan. 17. 1896. My own dear Grace, - My three boys, - Kimball, Hollister and "Vaule the younger" have made their escape alive after some two hours of special instruction. The[y] are all so very anxious to learn the truth, - that it was a delight for me to give them this portion of the evening as it was such a complete relaxation for me. You know that at present only my boys are the ones in the High School who receive any instruction at all in Physiology and Geology and several allied branches. - It seems too bad, for many of them will go no further and to think of

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their coping with the worlds beauties in Nature so with dwarfed a foundation seems hard. But you are well aware my ideas are fairly to be called a hobby and almost a "Crank" on this subject, - so we will let it rest. Oh, my dear one, it could be no other way than that I should ever be faithful and mindful of you and what will cheer and please you. - You certainly would have been amused, for this morning just as I was getting ready to leave about 7:15 Leicester came running over and said, - "Say, old man have you heard from Grace lately?" I remarked that I had yesterday and told him you were a little lovesick Sunday and he said, - "Well old boy, - Pa and I will write her often and you too, -

so she will hear from some of us each day, - we do not want her gettting down sick homesick." You may be amused I fell right in with his plan and to prove it I said, "there "L.C." you go down town, mail this letter, to Grace," - one I had written last night and it realy astonished him seemingly. - I think realy he had thought I had been neglecting to write you, - but I complied with his request, - never telling him I had not gone to bed without a word of cheer, to you every night we have been separated. - But, do we not now have a grand source of consolation in that we trust and love each

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other to such a great extent we can not be separated even by distance, - ever trusting, ever praying for each others strength. You certainly will be pleased to again meet your old school mate who has become a famous artist and he too will be glad to know you as you now are a woman of art and excellence far superior to any of his acquaintances I am sure. Tonight when I came home a very polite note awaited me from our new Sunday School Supt. Mr. Pearson who has invited all the officers and teachers to his home for next Tuesday evening to talk over Sunday School matters and no doubt a social time. - I believe I had better go and brush up against some of my fellow teachers and at least learn their names.

So you can picture me on Tuesday evening from 8 - 9:30 P.M. among those friends. - I shall stay no later for rest is one of my hobbies this term for I am sure if it is secured I can do more and better work. - You too my dear One are [persuing ?] this plan no doubt from what you write. Please write me a nice long letter of description of Madam "C" and her age, appearance customs and accent and entirely with what comparisons you please. This I can show mother and father as they

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have inquired so much about your teacher and realy I know but little. And too your letters are too sacred for me to show to anyone, but you can spare a single sheet for gen'l news some day next week if convenient. - Every day, mother says some one inquires after you, - she says they "ask her for fear of making me blush" - what you think? - Now a good night sweet perpetual kiss from your own, - ever faithful in your love, - Clarence Grace, Send me a letter or two to Oak Park each week, - please - And I will save your oriole whistle, - the neighbors will not learn if from me surely. Claire

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Miss G. E. Hall, New York City. N.Y. # 169 E 63rd St. p/o Mrs. Clark

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