Letter from Grace E. Hall to Clarence Edmonds Hemingway


Letter written by Grace E. Hall in New York to Clarence E. Hemingway, dated March 6, 1896.

This is a scanned version of the original image in Special Collections and Archives at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.


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March 6th 96

My Dearest Love.

Yours of Tuesday night received with the enclosed English letter. What a lovely friend! I thank you so much for sending his letter to me How would you like it for Sunshine to come home just a month from now, right after Easter. I wonder if you would rather I did not. I am taking a lesson every day now to double up time

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as I feel almost certain Daddy wants to be off early in April.

I was extravagant and bought a bunch of violets down the street this morning. They have made me so happy, smelling of the delicious wet spring woods, as they do: They seem to hold the essence of the damp rich turf in [theirs?].

What a shame it is that my letters

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have miscarried to the people at home; Eloise writes me this morning that they have heard nothing since the concert. and I have written twice to Ernest, & once to Laura. I wrote them all the day after the concert: it is most exasperating. _______ It is now evening -- dearest - Yours of Wednesday night came by the 6 o'clock mail tonight insted of waiting for tomorrow morning. How funny that I should have

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just decided to come home at Easter and written you so, before reading your statement of Papa's desires.

All works together for good and I am so happy at the thought of coming home to you all. It seems too good to be true.

Pierre has sat in my room every night since Sunday, and read "John" I do believe from little words and thoughts dropped, that I am getting [hold?] of him. My blessed one, good night

Your own Sunshine


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From G. E. H.

169 East 63rd

New York City

Clarence Hemingway

500 N. Oak Park Ave.

Oak Pak

Cook Co.


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