



Status: Complete

conditions + increased security- + then they go on to
talk about increased efficiency + methods + management
+ finances + so on: some of them even go as far as
entirely low profit, but must also be for the good of
people. But all that is just fucking about, neither
more nor less. As long as you have any profit
making, you have competition, + vice versa. And
when you have those things, the workers immediately
become subordinate to them + all security for them
goes. The cost of labour is an important, if not the
main cost of all goods- therefore in profit making
it must be employed at as low a wage as possible
+ it must be used + driven as hard as possible.
You must remember the time + effort I spent in
working out how to cheese + pare here + there,
+ fighting the union for lower wages + price
rates. why the hell should this vast majority
be [?] created like coal + steel + timber + bargained
about in order, to employ as little of it as possible
for the least amount of money - in order that a
small minority can pile up money. And people like
me, who come in between the two, share +
wear out their minds + bodies in aiding + checking
that minority- in order to turn L 600 into L700
- L 700 into L 1000 + so on. How much better
to have L 500 + work peacefully + well for
the good of the communuity as a whole.

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