Letter from Harry Massey to Barbara Massey


Letter written by Harry Massey from the No. 6 Palestine company at the Bluffs to Barbara Massey.

This is a scanned version of the original image in Special Collections and Archives at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.




to buy John Senior a prayer book. But they only had R.C. ones - & the Bibles, all inlaid with mother of pearl, were not at the cheapest - so I will just write him an AG instead. But I could not resist buying you a present, darling - this time more "joolry". It is a set! - ring, bracelet, necklace, brooch, & earrings - all [ ?] silver wire work, & the stones are Jordan stones which are flat & rather like marble. It was not at all expensive, & I think they are really very pretty, & I do hope that you like them. The worst thing about them is that the fastenings & clasps are so cheap & insecure looking, & I can imagine them coming undone rather easily. I know you never wear earrings - but I am sure you would look very pretty in these. I shall long to hear whether you like them or not. We then went to the Jewish Agency - which has a large & imposing & rather good looking building. I first of all called on a man called [Berlin ?], who seems to be a sort of adjutant to [ ?], in so far as his dealings with the Army are concerned. He is a very pleasant young man, & comes from Liverpool, & has a rather false & snooty wife, who comes from [ ? dock] Park, where Patty & Joe go [racing ?] a great deal. We were shown round the building - which mainly consisted of being shown Herzl's room. Have you heard of him? He was the founder of Zionism, & began his work after the [ ? ?] in Paris, when as a journalist, he was so impressed with the anti Jewish demonstrations, he made up his mind to find a solution for the Jewish people. He began from nothing at all, & founded a

Last edit about 1 year ago by shashathree


movement embracing millions, before he died from heart failure at the age of 44. This room is an exact replica of Herzl's room in Vienna, with all his furniture & books & things. He must have been a man of immense personality & drive & capacity for work - he only began to work on Zionism at the age of 36. Then we went off to Shintok's house, & Berlin took us by way of Mount Scopus, which is the highest part of the Mount of Olives. From there we first of all had a gorgeous view of the Dead jSea, 3600 feet below & 25 miles away - & the Moabic Hills beyond. It was a terrific view, as you can well imagine. Then on the other side, from the steps of the Hebrew University, we were able to look down on the city of Jerusalem, & see the whole of it, the old & the new cities - the wall - Golgotha - the garden of Gethsemane - & so on. I am very urgently invited to come back again & really [see underlined] Jerusalem. I am determined to do this as soon as possible. At Shetok's house, the party consisted of his wife, who is a very pleasant & kind homely little woman, who had been to Reading Agricultural College in 1926 - Berlin & his wife - a Dr Werner Senafar, who is something important at the Hebrew University & to do with education in the Jewish Agency. (He & I had already corresponded, as he was Sgt Gergel's guardian) & Ben & myself. They have three children, between the ages of 8 & 12 or so, but they only floated in & out rather shyly. It was a very pleasant lunch & the conversation was general & cheerful & interesting. Shetak is

Last edit about 1 year ago by shashathree


an extremely pleasant & interesting man, speaks very lively English - & he is entirely free of airs or self importance, which is very pleasant, considering his position which is akin to a foreign secretary. I was invited, I suppose, as the CO of a Jewish unit - & also I think they want to convert as many Englishmen as possible to Zionism, which you must understand, has nothing at all to do with being a Jew. Lord Balfour & Lloyd George, for example, was & is, ardent Zionists. (grammatically, that sounds awful - but its too late now & I saw it coming & could not avoid it.) I have just this minute heard Churchill's speech on the wireless, following our loss of Singapore. It was a marvellous speech. But this & our lack of progress in the W.I. & the German battle cruisers getting home through the channel, is quite a lot to have to stomach all at once. But I still feel very confident - America has [still ?] to play her part - Russia is doing magnificiently - & we are at last getting onto concentrated lines of action, instead of being so strung out, this should lead to initiative from our side. Just one thing, in case I am posted home darlingI should carry with me a letter saying why, & so I am certain there could be [no underlined] chance of my being whisked off somewhere else as soon as I arrived - or even at all. And now to bed - to pray & hope & think of you & Maxie. All of my everlasting love as always, Your own Harry XXXX

Last edit 12 months ago by Kalexander19


Mrs Barbara Massey

6 Bulstrode 9dus Maddingley Rd Cambridge

Last edit 10 months ago by amymoore19
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