Letter from Harry Massey to Barbara Massey


Letter written by Harry Massey to Barbara Massey.

This is a scanned version of the original image in Special Collections and Archives at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.




Darling one - you are a one! Whenever we part, & have to fall back on correspondence again, a battle of wills immediately ensues, as to who shall write the first letter. So far, I have never won - & this time is no exception. Or perhaps another explanation is that you forget about me until you suddenly get a letter from me, & everything comes back to you. Or perhaps you just think I should write first. Anyway, it is now Sunday & I had better break the spell.

I hope you got back alright, & you are very well, darling. I am alright - except that my ankle seems to be worse than before - but perhaps that will wear off.

My transfer to the 7th Bn seems to be more or less assured, which is very cheering. I had a very nice letter from Zorg, saying he would be delighted to have

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me back & had actually tried several times to get hold of me, & he told me to apply for a transfer at once. I accordingly wrote in officially, & the C.O. has approved, & now the Adjutant has written Zag, & told him to apply for me. So I am very pleased.

The present plans are that this Bn goes to Netheravan on the 8th June - & when that happens, the 7th come in here to take their place. There may be an alteration before the 8th. I don't know - but if not, I suppose it is doubtful if my transfer could be effected before the move.

Last night I went to the flicks with Pop Beard. We saw "of Mice & Men". It was marvellously well acted & very interesting. I remember you telling me about the play. I expect Amy would call it strong meat! On Friday, about 50 of our men

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went to Liverpool to see Jessie Matthews & Sonnie Hale. I went too. We all sat in 5/- seats & only had to pay 1/3. It was just quite good .

I had a letter from my mother. Lisa's things arrived alright. She has sent the mattress to be remade, as she says it would have gone musty if she had left it as it was. Poor darling.

I saw Kathleen on Friday & we had tea. Apparently Patricia got chucked out of her nursing job. She hda got a lot of people's backs up, by being too bossy with their children - & then she started shooting off her mouth with a lot of pacifist nonsense - let Hitler win - & the Germans are alright really - & then when we are conquered, we absorb them, like China, & point out the error of their ways, & they all become good boys. And of course anybody who disagreed with her

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was a fool. So people got together & sent a deputation - & she was pushed out. Kathleen says she has not told this part of it to Ma & Pa, so please be careful.

Isn't she batty?

This must go to the post now. Write soon darling, & tell me what you are doing.

All my love & kisses


5 Cheshire Cromteth Park Liverpool 12

I have had to have a photograph taken for identification cards. How do you like it?

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Mrs H Massey 2 Warren Fields Valencia Road Stanmore Middlesex

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