Letter from A. Stevens, dated 1861-02-23



Needs Review


Wednesday afternoon,

What shall [I?] do? Write immediately for I have not answered [H.U.?]'s yet, I do not want to, He says that after he has educated me he will! I may pay my expenses when I have earned the money. I do not want to go until Fall. [Finnie?] thinks I had better go to the commencement of the term.

Mr. B thinks that I should not need to be there more than a year. - I, myself do not want to go until the middle of May., when I think perhaps I [had?] better, - Write immediately what the thinks I had better, do, if I had better leave here and go at the beginning of the term, or at the end of [?] when I think I had better, or wait until next fall; I should stay at home about a week and go about the 15th of May, and would fix my [sloth's?] some, I am doing well here and do not much want to leave, [A?]


Last edit 4 months ago by MaryV
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[postmark: MORRISVILLE]

[stamp: THREE CENTS]

Rachel B. Stevens E. Montpelier Vermont.

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Last edit about 3 years ago by Jannyp
Needs Review


I have written to Timothy as he came pretty near giving me a blowing up for not writing before. - am going to finish my dress to day and put it on, Fannie likes it better than the other, & honestly it looks a great deal more like me, I am going to write more this term, but then I hate to have folks keep telling what they are going to do, and never do it so will not say much. - How is Charles - Y. - do write all the particulars for it is an interesting subject. - How did all the lectures come off did Thomas [carry?] Sophie or Melissa. Love to all enquiring frds, and a great deal to our own folks and to thee, How did thee get along with the sawyers? hope it did not make thee sick. Farewell, please write in a week When will Jane come, Tell Y. Fannie heard that was a match!! - With love, as ever Ann

[page break]

Morrisville. 2. 23. 1861

My Dear Mother

I think I will write thee a little to-day, and let thee know that I have recovered from my cross fit; the paroxysm of ugliness has entirely passed by, indeed it did not last to the Village. And now I am so ashamed I acted so I do not know what to do. - it is just like me, I will take the least unpleasant thing and that which I cannot help as the weather for example. and fret and fuss about it, and keep the snow ball rolling until it is large enough to darken all the windows in the house. It is so silly and absurd, and I feel so sorry about it afterwards. I should think I should be taught better in time. But it is so natural I don't know but it will always trouble me

Last edit 4 months ago by MaryV
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