



Status: Needs Review

to gain common respectability a-
mongst men; yet having been
taught to think all his acts were
good, my understanding was
quite beclouded, and now that I
see Him a just God I have no slavish
fear of him for "love casts out fear."

This is for thy private perusal;
yet do as thou thinks best about
reading parts of it if urged to it.
I trust to thy judgment.

I hope you who are together are
in the full enjoyment of domestic
comfort and that those wilt ere
long let me hear from thee.

Love to all, to thy daughter Mary & thy
Sister in [??]
thy Sister Mary.

Thine Ann King.

[page break]

Ferrisburg 12th Mo. 30th 1863.

My dear R.

I have not spent all the time
since thy pleasant visit here, last fall,
in forgetfulness of thee, or the subjects we
found for conversation, but I have many
times recurred to the sweetness of that
friendship which then, I believe, clothed
both of our spirits; and have mentally
visited thee and thine, I cannot tell thee
how many times, and tenderly sympa-
thised in thy sorrows, and thy fears for the
dear absent ones; yet hoping that those
who are near thee were in their usual
health, and capable of enjoying all the bless-
ings our impartial Father bestows upon his
children. "All are mine", he says, by
every favor he extends to us; and yet how
many of us fail to return thankfulness.
How few turn towards him the moistened
eye, flooded with tears of joyful gratitude,
and give him the praise which every
favor demands. I imagine your little

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