



Status: Needs Review

And few can say more honestly than thou; "[underline]my heart knoweth it"
"right well"[/underline]. yet when seriously thinking of this dear child; I have reme-
mbered the quieting suggestion of Paul to the master of Onessimus;
"perhaps he departed from thee, for a season, that thou mightest receive
him again, forever" - that is; no more to leave thee.

Trust him, dear Rachel, in the hands of that most merciful being
who numbers the very hairs of our heads and who suffers not unnoticed
a sparrow to fall. There, doubtless, are many, there are thousands, to whom
the carnage of the field will open scenes, that will not need a tongue to
plead; and to whom the Thunders of the Siege, more aweful than those
which roll along the lightning-parted skies, will bring convictions of
the worth and sacredness of human life, that will not leave needful
another Sinai nor another appointed Lawgiver, to proclaim the
Sacredness of the Law; "[underline]Thou Shalt not kill."[/underline]

I am aware of the impotent cavil of fighting men, in view of this
command; that it is only a fobiddanc of the Hebrew to kill a brother
Hebrew; but with gentiles they were under no restraint. Let it so be. But
under the gospel, we are all brethren; and One is our Master whose
kingdom is not of this world. And what a coment on Christianity have
we before us?

The Bishop with his clergy and his laymen; the minister of every
Church, (besides us) with his flock; the sober nonprofessor, and the self-
reliant infidel of the South, all harmonize in challenge to arms, to the
same embodiments of the north; and with hands uplifted to the same
merciful Lord, who neither for his own nor for his followers sake, would
suffer, even, the ear of the Highpriests servant to perish; they draw to the
conflict; Christianity upon Christianity and Infidelity upon Infidelity
inflicting death, in the name of him who died, that, we might live!!

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