Letter from Mary S. Putnam, dated 1864-06-09



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Head Qts 2d Div. [?] Corps June 9th, 1864

My dear Mother:

As I am once more in my old position and have leisure, I will improve it. I came here, about two hours since; am feeling frist rate, [underline]mentally[/underline], but have some, I [underline[hope[/underline] slight bodily aches: do not be allarmed in the least about me; it is not dangerous; only [underline]serious[/underline] and [underline]painful[/underline]. My third day's duty in the Camp favored me with a [Minnie?] [Bullet?], through the fleshypaart of the

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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thigh in front and just below the groin & one inch outside the main artery of the leg. The old "position," [then?[ refers to my[underline]back[/underline] where I lay [underline]comfortably[/underline], [?] I was able to walk off the field; hope soon to be able to return there. I expect to go to the [Landing?] to-morrow, and to Washiington soon; may be in Vt. in a week; [underline]expect[/underline] to be. Love to all; [underline]do not be allarmed[/underline], I am well and was doing my [underline]duty[/underline]. Thy loving Son

W. B. Stevens

[upside down:]

Mary S Putnam E. Montpelier

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
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Sister Mary;

Please read this and use thy own [underline]good judgement[/underline] regarding mother;

In haste, & truly

W. B. Stevens.


It is my painful duty to inform you that the wound of your Son became gangrenous a few hours ago, in consequence of which he [underline]died[/underline]. His body will be turned over to [?] [deleted]Dr[/deleted] Bentley [M.L.G.?] at Alexandria with his efffects, and by applying to him you can receive them. He was cheerful until [deleted]until[/deleted] with in an hour before he died.

Enclosed please find list of his effects. Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt.


Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
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Henry Janes [Surg?] U.S.[V.?] in charge

U.S. Transport State of Main Washington D.C. June 11 1864 9 P.M.

[L?] E Bentley U.S.[V.?] 3d Division [?] Alexandria Va.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
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List of Effects

1 Gold Det. Lever Watch 1 Gold Masonic Breast pin $6.25 notes $1.36 Silver 1 pen knife 1 needlecase 1 [Minnie?] ball (extracted from thigh) 1 book with Letters & Photographs 1 Comb 1 bunch Keys 1 book - Mnemonics 1 Masonic book 21 cts Postage Stamps

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
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