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2 revisions
catslover at Feb 03, 2022 04:31 PM


Uncle Timothy is quite deranged & at times
rather violent - aunt Paulina looks much
worn - she seems to think very strange
of my being gone so long - Aunt Mary
was displeased at my staying at Ferrisburg
last winter - perhaps I shall not dare to
go any where again -. Freeman
West has got his new house raised & in a
good state of progress - has a cellar under
the whole, walled up with granite -

He seems to take it coolly & intends
to go thorough - Fanny is not very smart.

Wilson Winter's folks have lost their
3 eldest children with dyptheria -
An Irishman in the village lost the
same number - all dying in one night.
I do not know of any other cases -
Abraham Putnam arrived home on
7th day - we have not seen him, Isaac
does not get well enough to go back -
Levi & Mary have just rode by - I have
not seen him to speak to him yet.
News came to the village that the Mis-
sissippi river is open & that McClellan's
plans are working to his mind -
by oh! what horrid blood shed & destruction
follows the train of war - & whle I am
writing this a fear often makes me
almost tremble that thy eyes may not
read what I have written

[page break]

East Montpelier
6th of 7th mo. 1862

My precious boy

Mary called at Charles
Templeton's this morning & heard by
a letter from Charley that thee is a-
gain worse - but did not tell what
was the matter - I knew thy long
silence must have some mean-
ing - Horace says "tell him to get a dis-
charge & come home & recruit up
& then if he wants to go back, there
is no fear but what he can enlist
again" - I told him I should not wish
to add the last proviso - but he told
me I might say so for him -
I am very thankful to hear thee is
having good care - but how much
rather I would have it in my pow-
er to do for thee myself - I can but
hope if thee again gets able to travel
thee will conclude to come home -
thee will surely get worn out there
by these frequent relapses -
