Letter from S. MacDonald, dated 1862-08-01



Needs Review


Hesper 8th mo. 1st 1862

My dear Cousin

Thou surely hast come to suspect me of lack of interest, in thee, and thine, by [deleted]my[/deleted] so long delaying to answer thy last, which I looked anxiously for, and was on the point of writing a gain, fearing something serious had happened, to thy self or family.

I [deletion] was apprehensive that Wms. health would give out in the hospital; nursing has proved so fatal to many, am glad he is able to perform the duties now assigned him, they are doubtless arduous. I am much obliged for his likeness, if we had a "Brady", here I would send thee ours, - there is a young man in Hesper taking likenesses now, but he is thought not to understand it very well, and I wish not for a bad [deleted]likeness[/deleted] one perhaps he may learn to do better in time.

I have been suffering from inflamation in my eyes for more than two months, which accounts for my neglect of all my friends. I have not written a line for the time untill within a few days. I have written to Brother B. and [underline]Lucyann Wilbur[/underline] whose sister, [underline]Sarah B. [Nucumb?][/underline], has just died at their house, sister Ann writes me; they were sister Catherine's daughters. L's last letter stated that S. was at their house very feeble, her recovery viewed doubtful. I have not written since. Sarah

Last edit over 2 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


was of a sweet disposition, a lovely child, and an amiable woman, their mother died soon after the separation, their father Solomon B. Bass was a very strong Hicksite, the children became scattered, only one I think remains a member of our society Lydia W. the wife of Chester Weaver, Lucyann and her husband go with the Hicksites. - I have had no particulars of S's. last moments, hope they were as happy as thy cousin Rachel's, it is such a comfort when we part with our friends to know their end was peaceful. I think I shall hear from Lucyann soon, they are 50, or 60, miles from Smyrna. - -

So thou attended N.Y. and N.E. Yearly Meetings and visited South Kingston, - I [underline]did not envy thee, I only wished I too, could have been there.[/underline]; -

Is it because I am so ungreatful, for the many favors I daily recieve, that I feel so [underline]unreconciled[/underline] to our[underline]total seperation[/underline], and can scarcely think of [underline]thee without tears[/underline]? Didst thou see brother Henry in New York? he is getting to be an old man 76, and old of his age, I did not suppose him able to attend Y.M. but sister writes, "Robert, and Benjamin Knowles have each taken a boy from the, "[Name?]", that Henry, and Benjamin Boss brought them when the came from Yearly Meeting. R's was under two years old, they have no children Benjamin & Amelia have four little girls, Amelia's health is very poor. Marion P. Knowles has recently returned from a water care establishment in Dansville [?], "Our Home," where she had spent nearly

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a year, Lucy writes to James that her health is much improved, don't know but I told thee, her disease was a softening of the brain. John W. Power, spent several months there at the same time, his is an old complaint & hard to remove I think; he is better. Amos Hoag, has sold his farm in this vicinity, and is on the eve of departure with his family for the delightful Town of "Minneapolis" in Minnesota, we shall miss them very much I think, they being our old friends in Michigan, they have just returned from a visit there, have brought Catherine Hoag, Sarah B's [deleted]with them[/deleted] daughter with them.

I did not write to the Harley girls as thou proposed on account of my eyes. I thought of many things I would like to say to thee while there, I conclude it is hardly likely thou saw cousin H. Hazard, she never writes to me in these days, nor to any one as I can learn, she was quite [?] years ago. I recieved letters from the girls since thou wast there, they both mentioned thy being there, they seem to think a great deal of their mothers friends. Rebecca tells me she is married and house keeping, I hope she has done well, I suppose they would hardly know how to spare Esther, from her fathers to keep house, for any other man, if a suitable one should apply I hope they will try to release her. I think they are goodly girls by their letters, their opportunity for information I conclude has been rather limited.

Thy acquaintances in these parts as far as I have heard, are in usual health, with the exception of [Lucia?] Tabor she has been quite sick for several week, was so at to sit in meeting on first day last, N. said. Russel says she is [underline]worn out[/underline].

Last edit over 2 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


It seems a pitty that friends in their circumstances should place themselves in such a situation that they can not avoid being [underline]worn out[/underline], with the care and labour of acquiring and retaining this worlds goods, - a [underline]comfortable[/underline], share of which seems very desirable, - but people vary so much with regard to how much it takes to make us comfortable or [some?] require so much more than others, that it is difficult to fix on any sum - I have sometimes thought after the real necessaries of life are supplied, all that was added to some increased their cares & anxiety, and consequently was a source of [underline]discomfort[/underline].


With one eye bound up and the other partially close, I have taken the pen to inform thee, that since the above was written I have nearly all the time been unable to read or write a word in consequence to the increased inflamation in my left eye, it is now a little better, but by this exertion of it may ensure to myself another painful night, my anxiety to hear from thee will not [ad?] of this remaing on hand any longer.

James has enlisted and will leave in a few days, my heart and hands are full, no mother will part with a [underline]dearer boy[/underline], and no one will leave a more beloved [underline]mother[/underline], but he thinks his country requires his services, and he feels in duty bound to respond to its call, - I shall write again soon if able 'till then I remain thy affectionate Cousin Sarah --

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