



Status: Needs Review

the disgrace which attached
itself to our army then & there.
Henry wrote me that a young man
from M. town with 5 others, fired
5 rounds each, & gave 3 cheers for E.
Allen after the rest had all left the
field, some, want it? - there has
been another battle in Mo near
Springfield at Dug's Spring I believe
between Seyon & McCulloch, the lat-
ter being totally routed, having
40 killed 44 wounded. Seyon
lost 8, wounded 30. Have just
got back from getting the horses
& uncle hs gone to [Ft?] Worth to
make arrangements for moving
next week now I'll finish this I then
go to the P.O. - perhaps thee thinks it's
a funny thing to look after stock
in Uncle Sam's pasture but just
come out & try it once. I traveled
through the tall grass, over the prai-
rie & hills a good deal less than 25
miles & if my understanding, under-
stands right my understandings are
considrably weary if not more - we
have had a fine rain today the first
for some weeks of any amount. it has
been very warm & dry for sometime
write soon, often, accept love in the quantity for the &
thine & [oblige?[ Tim

[page break]

Atchison, K. 9th. 8th. 1861.

My dear brother Wm.,

According to my ar-
rangement the [underline]is[/underline] or [underline]will be[/underline]
next First-day, enitled to
annother, (that word is [selled?]
good & strong, aint it?) effusion
from my gifted pen. [underline](ahem! ahem![/underline]
so here goes. "I am [underline]very[/underline] well
& am glad to learn that
thee is enjoying the same
great blessing." which if not
a correct quotation, will use
the [underline]marks[/underline] the same as if it
was. I wish I could write more
eaisly, would write thee oftner
as I think thee does rather
lack for letters this Summer.
I got none last week, but
have received 4 this week so
far, which does very well on
the Dr. side but then come
to think of Credit. - Oh! my!

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