Letter from Wm B. Stevens, dated 1862-07-08



Needs Review


Homeopathic Hospital, Mt. Pleasant Washington, D. C. July 8th 1862

Dear Mother;

Once more am I able to sit up at the stand and use the pen, so my first efforts are to be sent to thee, as I know thee will be patient enough to read the trembling scrawl, as perhaps some would not. I have been quite sick, but I think not dangerously so. There was most a week which was lost to me at the time, but now I can remember many incidents of it as Charlie mentions them. My being in this state was the reason you did not hear from me as I did not think of such things &

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


Charlie, never having had much experience, hardly knew what to do. When I came to myself, I got him to write & as he seemed to prefer to write Mary, I thought it would make no difference. He got leave of the Surgeon of the Carver to be with me, & has been, day & night, most of the time; I am under very great obligations to him, for his care of me, ever since I came up the River; although I should have had good care here without him, still he has made it much more pleasant for me. The Surgeon who attends me seems to be a very fine man & I like him much; the first time he came (we had a differrent one for a few days at first)

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I was in one of my worst wandering modes & he watched with me most all night & would not let Charley, or Mrs. Paine relieve him. I was all over the country; in E Montpelier, Montpelier Brattleboro, New York & Washington, but brought up, every time, with the Surg. putting me back into [underline]bed[/underline]. I am now having a pretty fair appetite, with a clear head & am in hopes to gain more rapidly soon. There seems to have been much very desperate fighting before the Rebel Capital resulting, too, as I think in the [underline]defeat[/underline] of the [underline]Army[/underline] of the [underline]Potomac[/underline], though the papers try to smoooth it over as a [underline]victory[/underline]; McClellan is not [underline]strong enough[/underline] & the sooner the North become aware of the fact, the better for them.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


My last news from McAllaster was dated June 2d.; I do not see why he does not write, as he must have a plenty of time. I cannot see the object of Perley's sending for Citizens & paying them such wages; it seems to me it is wronging the Soldiers, who are doubtless equally as good nurses, [underline]some[/underline] of them, at least & who are now serving for $13.00 per. mo. & when detailed, as nurses, need receive only $20.00 " " while James writes that he offers $50.00 per. mo to those who have been staying at home & I almost think not [underline]enlisting[/underline] because they were [underline]afraid[/underline]. I do not like it if they want to go to Richmond, let them [underline]enlist[/underline], as they will [underline]need[/underline] to, by the time Vt. has raised 4 more Regts. How does Mower get along?

I am getting tired and must close. Please write soon & tell the news. Direct as before. Give my love to all How is Uncle Timothy now?

Very Truly

Thy loving Son

W. B. Stevens

To R. B. Stevens.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
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