Letter from Wm B. Stevens, dated 1863-02-17



Needs Review


Camp of 2d. Division, 6th. Corps. near White Oak Church, Va. Feb'ry 17th 1863.

Dear Mother;

Thy good letter was received, some day, last week & I [underline]know[/underline] should have been answered sooner, so I need not write it.

The day has put me in mind of home many times, for it has been a real snowy one, as the six inches, remaining on the ground, testifies, as it is not so cold for it to thaw some. I am well now and have been highly amused at a battle, which has been going on, this evening, in sight of us, between the Third & Fifth Regiments. It was a desperate engagement & both sides stood their ground bravely till darkness closed the scene. I have a letter from Timothy, at last. It, as usual, gives good accounts of him & his prospects. He wants me to come out there & go to work, with him, or for the Government, somewhere there. Says he will ensure me twentyfive dollars per. month, if I will come.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


I would like to go, on some accounts, and on some others, - no! Among the latter; I am now at work for the Government, where I fear the job will be a long one: I could not leave, if I would, even for the temptations he offers; then, my place here, gives me thirty-one dollars & sixty cents a month with board, cloaths & transportation, [underline]free[/underline]. I am glad to hear from him though. I supposed James was gone, ere thee wrote, but suppose he will go at the proper time. He will do well there &, though I might be better pleased, to see him in some other pursuit, if he had the means, or if I could furnish them. I should not advise him [underline]not[/underline] to go. He will probably gain more, valuable, practical knowledge by this course, and enjoy himself well be sides adding many, to the pleasures of another dear brother of mine.

The things in the box will come safely I guess, and will be found "[underline]util dulce[underline]", when they get here. Most likely it

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is at the Landing, now, but transportation is very difficult, now & luxuries do not come in, often. We are furnished by the Sutlers, once in a while, with good E. Montpelier Butter; (Clark Willard's,) at [underline]sixty[/underline] cents a pound, however. Mine may get here, just at the very time, yet, as I will explain before I make a finish. I do not have to pay any freight on the things sent out, though some have had to. I would like to know what Thomas has paid, on those sent, as well as on those I sent home, in the Spring. I may have some things worth saving, again, sometime, if it does not cost too much, to send 'em. I am once more on detached service & at Division Head Quarters, this time. It is in an A. Q. M's. office, as before, though now as Quartermaster Sergeant & Clerk, instead of simply the latter, as I was at Capt. Wetherell's. This accounts for my increase of pay, as it gives me, now, twenty-four dollars & fifty from Government, besides my State Pay.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


I shall be in an independent Mess. when we get the tents, for it, as the Office, is more than a mile from Co. [G.?] The Quartermaster is just begining, here, which accounts for the lack of tents, at present. - On these reasons, were the remarks, on the box founded. My letters, for the present, may be sent as before, as I can ride over, at any time, so let them come, without delay.

I think of nothing more in the way of news. Please write soon. Love to all. As ever, thy loving Son:

W. B. Stevens

Direct just as before, to the Company.


Last edit almost 3 years ago by catslover
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