Letter from Wm. B. Stevens, dated 1863-10-03



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even labor to save those lives, they are so unwilling to destroy, and will do no duty whatever. This only leaves the Officer to prefer charges and let them have a trial by a General Court Martial, & the only verdict such a Court can render will be death. In this case, after what has occurred, I [fear?] that the [underline]meeting[/underline], which advised to cease doing duty in the Hospital, where their [underline]own feelings allowed[/underline] them to do it, and where they could have really done good, instead of evil, will be, in part, responsible, for their blood, if it is shed, which I hope will not happen; if they thus suffer, another than I must judge their advisers, & [underline]no, all[/underline],

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Assistant Quarter Master's Office, Head Quarters 2d Div., 6th Corps,

October 3d 1863.

My dear Mother:

Thy kind letler, by Horace, is to be seen to yet, and, I hope to do it to-night. How are you all, at home? Every-thing you sent came safely and is nice. The Cheese is a first rate one and the other things, are such as I should have got, for myself, had I the opportunity. I wanted a regular Valise instead of a Satchel but it is as well, I guess, so as it concerns me mostly and I am suited, it is well. The Drawers are as good for me hear as dearer ones

Last edit about 3 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


The Stockings feel delightfully warm & nice - "Thank ye for't all" Aside from creature comforts too how nice it seems to have Horace so near me, and I anticipate much pleasant intercourse with him, ere he gets tired of the Army. He came to see [underline]me[/underline] on Friday - no - Thursday took dinner &c and to-day I have called on him. He is hardly innitiated, yet, as Boss, of a [Garry?], of Twentyfour "Darkies" which he is placed in charge of, for the present. Obadiah has met with a sad mishap, having had his hand crushed between two cars. It is very painful and may prove a lasting injury to his hand.

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Captain Pitkin looks rather thin and pale but is improving. It looks natural to get his hand over [more?] on the papers. John Clark is with him at present, and is to remain, I hear. We came near moving on Thursday evening, having orders to go to Cattlets Station, but ere we started the order was countermanded & the Third Division went instead of ours. I had a short talk with L. Macomber, who is a draftee member of my company. He with Peter Dakin who is also in the Fourth, refuse to do duty. Were allowed to work in the Hospital, and did so for a few days, till the meeting wrote their objections, and now they will

Last edit about 3 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


I thought I would write only one sheet but have not quite done yet. Isaac is well and seems to enjoy himself nicely. Jacob was at Culpeper to see Horace a day before H. came. I have not seen J. since we left Berlin, I believe Abram is not far away, but I do not know where, at present.

Some of the boys saw [Chas.?] Persons at Alexandria & report him in fine health and spirits. Please do write me very often. I have received no pay, for the last five months as the Brig. was paid, while away. Love to all, as ever.

Once more Farewell

W. B. Stevens

To B. R. Stevens

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