p001_Diary of Martha Call




Status: Complete


West Cambridge, July 22,/52.

Since I came away from home, I have written my
journal quite carelessly with a pencil, but as it
contains more variety, and consequently is better worth
preserving than those written in the quiet of the home,
Emmie has given me this nice book and I am going
to copy it, just as it is

Tuesday, West Cambridge, June 1.

Well, here I am at West Cambridge, as pleasantly
situated as can be, with a nice room all to myself
where I can read or study, or if I want to, after
all the people suppose that I am in bed and
asleep sit and write in my "Common Place Book."
Monday morning came, as bright and pleasant as
could be, and about four oclock mother waked me.
I didnt linger much about dressing, and at five
oclock we sat down to breakfast, hot coffee and
cream toast. Mother took a cup of of coffee with me, so
I invited father to do the same, and shortly after
Mary and Clara Parsons joined us, so that we had
quite a social breakfast. Presently Uncle and Aunt
Hadlock came down in the chaise, and Mary rode
with them to the boat, then came George Osgood and
James Hadlock, and having kissed my dear mother
for the last time for several weeks probably, we set

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