


Status: Complete

towed her up to Melbourne and the insurance at home
sold her as appearingly the insurance was paid for her when
her boats was picked up, and she was supposed to be lost.
Anyhow they sold her to the firm that owned the Euro the
Steamer I was shipwrecked in. So all us shipwrecked men
was sent to Melbourne to join her. And I was in Melbourne
when those men was tried and Henderson the reputed owner
got 7 years, and the purser got 5 years and the poor unfortun-
ate captain they shipped in from Capetown got 3 years. And the
sailors and Firemen got clear of prison. But never got
paid as they knew the Game they were sailing on. So I read
in our paper that their case was also tried in Glasgow
and they got nothing so that ended their career in the Ferret.
Now we was six weeks in Melbourne fitting her up
and having a general overhaul and getting her all
ready to run in the South East trade from port Adelaide.
But I did not stay in her very long in that trade. So I left
her. And applied to the Adelaide Steamship Co for a berth
and the marine superintendent gave me a berth as
chief officer of the S. S. Lubra. I sailed in her for some
time and got charge of the S.S. Rob Roy and ran her
round on the West coast of South Australia for a couple
of years. But appearingly that trade never did pay. I
used to run to Streaky and Waterloo Bays, But had to
give it up as at that time there was not trade enough
for a steamer of that description. So I got orders to lay
her up. So I was idle for a bit when the company prepared
to run her in the port Lincoln trade. So I ran her in that
trade for some time. Then I had to give her up to an
older hand than me that was out of a berth and I had
to go Chief Officer with him in the same boat. Anyhow it
only lasted for a couple of months when I took charge
of the SS Lubra once more and ran her in the Moonta
and Port Pirie trade. Then there was a new boat came
out from Glasgow called the Investigator for this trade
as the Lubra was not big enough. So I laid her up.

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