


Status: Complete

6 Meeting At Oak Hill

More members than usual where present
notwithstanding a violent snowstorm was
raging until a late hour. The principle
subjects discussed were 1st the propriety of
having appointment readers. We decided to
have two appointed at each meeting to read
selections at the following meeting to read
selections as the following meeting, or B.
H. Miller or Carrie L Brooke were appointed
for next month. It was proposed to
the resolution made some time ago to
limit the number of members to 20.
which finally carried, or upon a unanimous
note E.P. Thomas and wife were elected members.
Upon motion it was when resolved to close the
roll to be satisfied with our present numbers 24

1st question. Does anybody want a cat?
2. Was a proposition to join in getting flower seeds.
3. How to get rid of red spiders on Geraniums
a. immerse in cold water b. A weak solution
of carbolic acid recommended
4. What is a proper size for nest boxes for hens?

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for next month. It was proposed to ( ? )
4. What is a proper size for mess ? ( ? )