Page 30




Status: Complete


nestle up to him for warmth. Another member bas
a hen which breathes so loudly they have to shut
their windows to get their usual sleep!

The report of the Executive committee. It is decided
unanimously, to have the September at mid-day
as are the April and October meetings.


1. How save cauliflower seed? Doubleday, Page
and Co. say it is no use for us to try save it in
this country. The seed we use is imported.
2. Can rhubarb be set out now? Yes, give it
a great deal of manure, and to force it put
a headless barrel over a good sized plant.
3. Is it proper to raise celery in the same place
year after year? Some say better not for
fear of perpetuating rust and blight, tho
market gardners do it. The seeds should be
sown early.
4. Should we plant beans and corn now?
Yes, if they do not grow you only lose the
seed and you have a chance of having
them early.
5. Move young maple trees now? Yes, and any
thing else.
6. Prune gooseberry and currant bushes now?
Yes, plant four feet apart that they may
be worked on both sides. Manure plentifully.
7. How trim raspberries? Cut out canes which
bore last year and shorten long ones.
8. Plant lettuce now? Yes, and plant it each month.
9. Do any of us subsoil our gardens? No. It
is said to be good in clay soil but usually
does not pay for the extra trouble.
10. Has any one tried a mixture of grass seed
for shaded places? Yes, it looked well at first

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