



Status: Complete

[Column A]

Ap[re]s soit chaucune p[ar]tie
Entiere v[er]s sonno[n] p[ar]tie
Dont chascune sera li quarz
Sensoit ceste figure esgarz
Touz cist lieus qui est ahabitez
siest en .iii. pars devisez
P[or]ce coviuent p[ar] tel raison
A notre autre de vision
Dont la parz de v[er]s orient
Est apelee aise la g[ra]nt
Qune roine qui Aise ot no[m]
Fu dame de religion
Autant tient des passe li lieuzs
Co[m]me font li autre ambe deus
P[or]ce Aise la g[ra]nt a a non
& dure de septentrion
P[ar] orient jusq[ue] a midi
Ce dist ceste figure ci
Lautre p[ar]tie prent son non
Dun roi qui Eropes ot non

[Column b]
P[ar] celui fuele apelee
Ourope & est si adure
Dorient en septent[ri]on
& marchist a aise p[ar]son
Lautre est aufriq[ue] q[ui] sestent
Demidi jusquen occident
Aufrique da[er]fer est noumee
Car autant li aut co[m]me aportee
Ainsint en .iii. parz se devise
conceste figure devise
[Rubric: ci [com]mence la mapem[un]de]
Cestes .iii. p[ar]ties noumees
tienent en aus maintes co[n]trees
& maintes longues regions
Si dirons daucune les nons
& des bestes les nons daucunes
Q[ui] ou pais sont pl[us] [com]munes
& dirons daucunes les formes
Q[ui] pl[us] sont veues p[ar] ho[m]mes
Si dirons daucunes les formes
Degenz debestes de poissons
Q[ui] sont enceles regions
Si co[m] li livres le devise
Dont la mapemo[n]de fu p[ri]se
[Rubric: De p[ar]adis t[er]restre [et] des .iiii.a flu[m]s q[ui] en enisse[n]t]
La premiere regions daise
est p[ar]adis unsleus plains daise

[Initial: Column a, line 5, a 2-line initial T in red with pen flourishing in blue.]
[Initial: Column a, line 19, a 3-line initial L in blue with pen flourishing in red.]
[Image: Column a, between lines 8 and 9, a diagrammatic map in red showing the Earth as a circle, oriented with East at the top. The circle is divided into quarters designating the four regions of the world. From the top clockwise, the regions are: east (label: orient), south (label: midis), west (label: occident), and north (label: septe[n]ptrion).]
[Initial: Column b, line 9, a 2-line initial A in red with pen flourishing in blue.]
[Initial: Column b, line 11, a 2-line initial C in blue with pen flourishing in red.]
[Initial: Column b, line 24, 3-line initial L in red with pen flourishing in blue.]
[Image: Column a, between lines 18 and 19, a diagrammatic map in red showing the Earth as a circle, oriented with East at the top. The circle is divided vertically into two, separating east and west, with Asia occupying the top half (label: aise la grant). From the top clockwise, the regions are: east (label: orient), south (label: midis), west (label: occident), and north (label: septe[n]ptrion).]
[Image: Column b, between lines 8 and 9, a diagrammatic orbis terrarum (O-T map) in red showing the Earth as a circle, oriented with East at the top. The circle is divided into three continents, with Asia occupying the top half (label: aise la grant), Europe the lower left quarter (label: europe) and Africa the lower right (label: afrique).] From the top clockwise, the regions are: east (label: orient), south (label: midis), west (label: occident), and north (label: septe[n]ptrion).]

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