Mark Hopkins

progress of R. R. work in Utah 1868 Dec 1; send 500 kegs (telegram) 1868 Dec 2; supplies for Benson, Farr & West 1868 Dec 4; on situation in Utah 1868 Dec 4; order for supplies to Humboldt Wells; wants Hanford or Madden as clerk (telegram, with note from Crocker to Hopkins) 1868 Dec 4; about beef (telegram) 1868 Dec 5; deliver supplies to contractors at Humboldt Wells (telegram) 1868 Dec 10; slow progress of our track 1868 Dec 10; approved line is only proper one 1868 Dec 13; expects to meet Huntington at Omaha (telegram) 1868 Dec 16


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No. 5

Read Dec 7 1868

Salt Lake Dec 1st 1868

Friend Mark

Your letters of the 14th to 17th ult each marked No 11 each. I arrived here last night from the Promontory where Col Gray and self spent several days with [Clem?] and Bates trying to improve the line or rather to avoid the tunnel. We are able to avoid the tunnel somewhat at the expense of the [alignment?] and save probably $75000.00 we shall have one fill of about 100000 yds. The Union Pacific have a line very close to ours on which they say they intend to build. After we have our line well covered I may act on this question of right of way. I am revolving the question in my mind and may be I will by and large see clearly a course to pursue

Last edit about 2 months ago by MaryV
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I would be glad to talk with you all on that question. If I do not go east to meet Huntington in a few days I shall [avey?] as of consequence of eight of way for our [good?] where it wins through [forward?]. I have kept this question entirely still. May be something will come of it. the ULP are often within a hundred feet of our line. I do not elaborate this but you will readily [embrace?] it. Have a consultation [of?] it and give me the result. I would have stayed at Ogden and obtained right of way but Domilds telegraphed us from Sarameen wishing [through?] were later and I received a letter from him saying he had seen Huntington and was going to be [late?] again. of course I understand the Pacific R R has the legal right of way through all the land in Utah as none has ever [them?] sold by the Govt. but two lines have not this right of way. I propose to raise the question but get the right of way

Last edit almost 4 years ago by alexander.nguyen
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from those in possession and this [sum?] how this filled books.

I telegraphed you from Ogden to know whether supplies had probably reached Humbolt [wells?] if they have not I am [apprehensions?] of soon hearing of great [demonstration?] among the [fines?] intended for the work west of the Mormon Contract. Mater at the Promontory I [must?] upwards of thirty teams entering who had been west on day West of Promontory by stories that there was no supplies to be had.

These stories came from 10 [Pboresreluring?] from Humbolt wells of course they will do all they can to demoralize our forces. If I could know that supplies were to be had at Humboldt Well I think we would have about 300 teams to work well of the Mormon Contract.

Clement thinks the Promontory will require 1500 keys Ponder

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It must course from the west as for what the [rock?] work there is to be done with certainty from the wish. Therefore like the culverts be built as always and Strobridge must be posted about the risk work so that he can see it is out of the way in time. In our contract for the work from monument point East and must from end of Mormon Contract we have the right to push out whatever forces we may deem necessary. The west contract provides for no definite rush of work other than for the contractors to commence work at the end of the mormon contract and work west under direction of enquires. The enquires have been directed to work the force completely and wont allow to scatter over more ground than it can complete If you will send me some blanks will send copies of the contracts

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There should be our load of Powder sent to Humbodlt wells that i think would answer until it can be [ascertained?] better how much is under along the line go that work which Strobridge will not have to do. I think it was understood between before I left that Powder should be sent out But this is not material as that work has not suffered for the want of it. But strobridge must keep will potted as to condition of Rock to culvert work so that it shall cause no delay.

There is now about 90 miles of the Mormon contract can plited except the culverts

The weather here is very fine would be considered such in California. The U.P are making the most of it. It is greatly against us.

Yours truely

Leland Stanford.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by alexander.nguyen
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