




8/31 TUESDAY eve pick up Brad at Bus Depot. Dinner pty #1 9/1 WEDNESDAY water tower to see sun RISE. And than off to R. River. In car play #2. Fun till Grants pass. Then uneasy & tired driving at midnight. 16 hours.

9/2/1982 THURSDAY Stay in bed resting up. Play #3. After breakfast at River Inn, we went to pool. Quite nice Sun was hot from 11-1 and then we went to fifes. Playful from 1-3. Then home & had hot tub all to ourselves. Lots of fun pictures. Had wine and cheese. And hot dogs. Inside and played - #4 - till super sweaty. Then just relaxed most of evening. A little (billards) pool, and sleep and go to Drums. Not much happening

FRIDAY 9/3 Play #5 Very cloudy, so at 10:00 we leave for SF, getting there by 11:30. A little cloudy, so we check out Wilkes Bashford, and then go to Lands End by 1:00 getting lunch to eat there. Stay till 4:00 used exchange slip at Rugby's! go to SF Gym to exercise. Nice group this time unlike street fair weekend, so I'm glad we went. Then home, and out to Drums. Fun but a little dissonance due to my wanting some action. Caused interesting discussion I SHOULD HAVE A GOOD TIME, AND NOT LET GOOD TIME HAVE ME! NO SEX

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Jannyp


9/4 [PVKY] #6 Saturday breakfast at [Fifes] and take a walk. Beautiful sunny all day at pool. Played volleyball swam floated on my plaid raft (which I left there) had horsey fights hot tubbed enjoyed Brads good hot looks. A very wonderful day. Clear blue skies all day and then we go home and play #7. Then dinner at River Ian. Very nice and drive into city by 9:30 to Alan and Jacks. Take some MDA and go to midnight Sun. Meet Todd Jackerman. Then off to [Trecadore]. Do acid and grass and dance till 4:00 when Viola Wills started. Then wait thru till Stromy Weather! Driving home was like a roller coaster. Stayed at Bob Truays pash home on Arguello.

Remember the lights at Troc. So many colors and dancing right under the disc balls and the noon lightening. and dancing with Todd and Tall guy named Carey (get headband). Snorting Ethyl Chloride Foile and bowl cleaner Vrad Said! Too tired to play sleep at 5:00.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by mhorland


Somehow we dragged our asses out of bed at 10:00 and had brunch with Bob Traux at 11:00 and made it to games by the time they started a little passed noon. Cant remember much but Armistead spoke and so did Rita Mae Brown. There was some button [turning] and flag corp stuff. Then the disco and ran into Carey from Seattle and Dana (won 3 gold medals for swimming) and eventually ran into Bob Browning and Dan. Then Tim Hacking came up. That was a treat and Stephany Mills was singing. And it was all very blue sky and festive. Then Brad and I went to Pizza Place on Castro and met Bob and Dan again and Tom Powel. Fun Moby Dides. Saw Jay and Randy buy love they aged! Went to midnight Sun boring. Drove to I-Beam but I was in no mood to party. Fog was rolling in. Very tired. Went home and slept with Brad till 6:00AM. Ten hours. #8 at Bobs.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by mhorland


Sept 6 Monday Very groggy day. Up and eat at Copper Penny on Geary where Russell and I have eaten. Then drove out to R.River played in hot tup and played #9. Packed up and left. Took route out through [calistogo] and up to Clear Lake and to Williams. Then all the way up on the 5. It was actually a very pretty drive up through Shasta and Northern Cal. Glad we saved that till the last. I finish more tales of the city then. And thought a bit

1) had friendly time wed-fri with Brad 2) Then fun weekend carried us through that period 3) Monday was awfully slow. Another 16 hours of driving. Left at 11:30 and got into bed in Seattle at 3:00! Very little conversation. But pleasant anyway.

Tues Play #10. Take Brad to do pot buy 11:30 go to V PK to write this up from 11:40-12:40.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by mhorland


Notes on LA Trip 2/4/83

LA is just not the way so Cal is meant to be. But OC is the image. LA is the reality. LA has so little character. No bar like Tugs anywhere even LA or NY - Dick No fun video like Daddys or midnight sun Guys are all so young.

Studio 1 is like a BIG BRASS DOOR. Seattle has more discos than LA! (Tugs, Brass door, Axelrock). So little to do in LA on Sunday. Pathetic sunday walk on Venice Beach/ 2/21/83 and cant try to just spend weeks there and weekends elsewhere. To achieve something substantial to give I need one place where most of my friends and lover sea! SF also bad... too far. Such a little portion is pretty. Not Venice

Weather is too nice. No time for introspection. There is no nice gay beach in LA! I NEED TO HAVE THAT. Sun is great buy with no beach its worse than Seattle. Architecture sucks. Stucco everywhere and bland. Hate flying into LAX.


Hard to have community in a city of several million. Never see the same people twice.

Far from Seattle.

Skiing. Very little. You need advance tickets!

Im not cute or hunky enough to that extreme. Ive never ever made a friend in LA!!! Remeber I didnt go to LA whole summer '81.

*Next time have dick come to Laguna or SF. I love OC. It cured my woes on Monday after LA!!!

Last edit almost 6 years ago by mhorland
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