737 [=98] (V.2)




Status: Complete


and more especially from the
circumstances of the lock channel
being on the left or on the down-
-stream end of the superpassage.
I have retained the floorings on a
horizontal level. It is clear that
a slope could only have been given
by raising the masonry of the
upstream end, in proportion to
the declivity required, to make
it in accordance with the slope
of the country. In the case of
the Puttri the rise would have
been 1.34 feet, and in that of the
Ranipoor 9.07 inches; the former
having an effective slope of
25.13 feet per mile, and the latter
a slope of 14.11 feet, the length of
superpassage channel being in
the first case 283 and in the
latter 282' 10 1/2". Now as it is
pefectly clear that this slope
may as well be established by
the river itself, and formed of its
own material, as built of rigid
masonry, I saw no necessity for
deserting the horizontal line, but
satisfied myself by raising the
parapets to a sufficient height
to give full scope for any eleva-
-tion of bed that might be due
to the natural slope desired by
the river.

The Ranipoor superpas-
-sage and masonry works attached
are, with the exception of the
massive parts of the foundations
floorings, and [spanduls?], which
are built with boulders brought
from the bed of the Ganges River,
constructded entirely of brick
masonry. The whole work was
laid out and its progress was
carefully superintendxed by Mr.
Kay, the Assistant Engineer, [under? page is damaged]
[whom? page is damaged]

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