



Status: Incomplete

Plan. The plan is a rectangle 18.80m x 37.m.
or 50 cubits by 100 cubits if the ancient
cubit of .37 m. is considered. The was
[illegible] flanked by square towers which
occupied each one tenth of the façades
leaving a space equal to one tenth of the
façade which was distant to the spur
parties between the towers, and was pushed
histe two columns between two engaged
columns like the temples distyle in autis.
The N. E. angle-tower was occupied by a
staircase which ascended by way degrees
the upper parts of the building. This
tower was reached from the cella. It is im-
possible to determine by what means the
N. W. tower was entered ; but the two southern
tower chambers were connected directly
with the temple cella. The north portico
connected with the cella by three portals.
It is probable that the southern [?]

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