Pope Innocent XII
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4 revisions | Repatriating a Lost Archive--Dir. Christina H. Lee at Nov 18, 2024 08:14 AM | Revision changes |
Pope Innocent XIIPope Innocent XII (Latin: Innocentius XII; Italian: Innocenzo XII; 13 March 1615 – 27 September 1700), born Antonio Pignatelli, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 12 July 1691 to his death in September 1700.
| Papa Inocencio XIIPope Innocent XII (Latin: Innocentius XII; Italian: Innocenzo XII; 13 March 1615 – 27 September 1700), born Antonio Pignatelli, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 12 July 1691 to his death in September 1700.