

Status: Indexed
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{On the left margin: Declaration and torture of Tomás, slave of the convent}

In the City of the Most Holy Name of Jesus on the second day of May of sixteen twenty-five his most reverend lordship,
for further investigation
to know who stole the cross and chain, and from the
records it appears that Tomás, slave of the convent, is suspected.
Having been asked some questions by his most reverend lordship,
Tomás was always [wavering]. To get him to
tell the whole truth, [his lordship] ordered [Tomás] to be placed on
a rack with nine cords, and he was required
to tell the truth. When asked if and when he stole the cross:
He said that it is true that he stole a necklace
with the cross in the tabernacle of the child, removing it
from [the child's] neck, and later he pawned it to an India named
Isabel, and this is the truth.

When asked who
gave him the key, he said that Brother Fray Martín gave him the key
to open the tabernacle on a Friday for mass
and that he says this in the name of Jesus.

When asked to tell the truth about who gave the mass
on the day that he stole the cross, he said "Father Fray Alonso Clemente"
and this is the truth.

When asked how he gave the cross to the India
named Isabel, he replied that a slave of the father prior
named Jacinto, stole it from this
declarant. And this declarant recognized said
cross in the possession of said Isabel and took it from her
and after three weeks have passed, this declarant
pawned the cross to said Isabel for six reales,
and this is the truth for the legal oath
that he swore and he signs it in his name together
with his most reverend lordship.

Fray Pedro Bishop

Before myself
Fray Joan de Ricovayo

Tomás Sareman

Notes and Questions

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These questions were transcribed by Isacio Rodríguez (vol. 19, footnotes 1458 and 1460-1). I revised and modernized his transcription above, adding words that were missing from the same.


Note: it is the bishop himself conducting torture.


Note: The diccionario de autoridades defines "indiciado" as "Vale tambien sospechar alguna cosa, venir en conocimiento de ella, por las señas o indícios que se han visto." https://apps2.rae.es/DA.html