




Ms. Jane Woods


Captn. Samuel Kearsley Bellefonte La.


Charlestown Jef C. Va. Aprile 17th __28

My Dear only Brother,

Your kind letter came to hand this morning bearing the painful inteligence of the death of our dear sister - yet we have more cause of thankfulness than of regret; she had numbered 80 years without experience and groaning with pain of body - or imbecility of mind, hers was an useful, active life, she did the duties, and filled the station in which Providence placed her in life with chearfulness and alacrity - She professed and I hope was a Christian, the Highest Stile of man or woman - and is removed from this state of trial and probations, to a better world to hear the the plaudit of, "well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord - What a number of friends my Brother we have in Heaven - Both our father and Mother, Our Dear Brothers Cooper, and Henderson - with some of their offspring - Our Dear Brother John - and Sister Mary - your Dear partner, and mine - these all died in faith, and are Heirs, in possession of the promises - Our Dear aged sister Cooper is standing on the brink of Jordan, patiently waiting for the messengers arival to convey her over to join the happy company gone before - O my dear Brother how should this consideration stimulate us to be diligent in the use of evry appointed mean of grace - that we may, (as we soon must leave the world) join them, where painful partings is for ever at an End - You, and I, though

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Alliteration


at a distance from each other, have been companions in affliction of body during the past winter - In Sepr_ I was siezed by the shakeing ague - which prostrated my strength very soon - after the shakeing ceased, by the use of medcine - an obstinate bilious fever kept up for a long time - I was not once below stairs until Christmas day and still so weak that I could scarcely walk alone - But through Divine Goodness I have been recovering strength and flesh, for sometimes past - but my breast is very weak, I am still hoarse - and have no reason to expect very long life - But if I am prepared to join the afforesaid happy company it matters not how soon - I feel very sensible for your afflicted state - but I desire to be truly grateful to that ever blessed hand that has once more raised you from your bed of pain and sickness - and I trust he will spare you longer in life - and give you comfortable health, to be a blessing and comfort to Dear Betsy and her children Remember me affectionately to her, and hers - I am truly sorry to hear of the death of Dr. Hendersons son - he was a very pleasent, promising youth when I saw him at Huntingdon - When you see any of Sisters Children please to give my love to them. I love, and remember them all, though they all appear to have forgotten me - When you letter came to hand this morning, my son was just ready to mount his horse to go to Presbitery at Winchester - he desired me to write. Give his love to you, and say that he would write to you when he returned home - I never hear a word from Dauphin County since you left there. I long to hear how and where my dear niece Ana is - be so good as to inform me, when you write again - whic I hope will be soon, as I shall be very anxious until I hear that you are restored to usual health and strength again - I have been informed that Mr. Alfred Armstrong Son of Dr. Armstrong, is in your town teaching in an Aceademy - if so, give my kind regards to him and tell him, I wish he would wri (page torn) and let me hear how he is, and whether his (page torn) stronger than when he left this - I want to be (page torn) his good father is still here, or gone to Heaven - I should be very glad if my dear Betsy would write to me - writing is now more of a task to me than formerly since my breast has got so weak - but I would try to answer a letter from her - Well my Dear Brother I must for the present bid you adieu - I shall hope to hear from you very soon again - and remain until then your very affectionate, sympathizeing sister;

J. Woods Sen


Our family are well at present and joins in best love to you and yours - my granddaughter Adeline Beelar expects to be married on the 14 of this month to a Doctor Haiden - I hope she will do well - she is a noble girl - one her mother would have been proud of, had she lived until now -

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Alliteration
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