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298 2d
to wit in the county aforsaid converted and deposed of the same to
his own use to the damage of the said Plaintiff Five Thousand dollars
and therefore he brings his suit &c
Dougherty Hocke Plffs atty
Charles A Abercrombie
Joseph H Bradford
assignee &c
In the circuit Court Spring Term 1846
And the said deft by attorney comes
and defends the wrong and injury [???]
&c and Says that he is not guilty of
the Said Several grevances in Said plffs
declaration mentioned in manner & form as in Said Declaration alleged
against him and of this the Said deft puts himself upon the County
&c. And for a further plea in this the Said deft pleads in Short
by consent that he Seized & took Said property in custody and deliverd
the Same by virtue of writs of attachment to him directed and deliverd
in favor of [blank space] plff and against John H Thomas &
Henry H Hunter late partners in trade under the name of Hunter
& Thomas bearing date [blank space] and returnable to [blank space] Term of
this court and avers that Said property was Subject to Said writ & this
he is ready to verify whenfor he prays Judgement &c
Gunn & Willis atty for Defts
Filed in office Octr 27th 1847
S Larries clk
Be it remberd that on the 18th day of October , It being the Fourth
Monday after the third Monday in September in the year of Our Lord
One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty seven the circuit Court of Alabama
for Macon County convened according to an Act of assembly in the Town
of Tuskegee the Honorable George W Stone present & presided
Joseph H Bradford
Charles A Abercrombie
This day came the parties by their attorney
and thereupon came a Jury to wit Harry
R Jackson & Eleven other good & Lawful men
who being unpanneld Sworn and charged to try the Issue Joined between
the parties aforesaid upon their oaths do Say they find for the plaintiff
and assess his damages at the Sum of Thirteen Hundred & forty three Dollars
It is therefore considered by the court that the Plaintiff recover of the defendant
the Sum So assessed by the Jury aforesaid and also costs in this behalf
Expended for which an Execution may Issue
Bill of Exceptions
Joseph H Bradford
vs assignee &C
Charles A Abercrombie
In Macon Circuit Court Fall term AD
Be it remembered that on the trial of
this cause which was an action of Trove brought by the Plaintiff against
the defendant Sheriff of Macon County for Seveying [crossed out]
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