Page 3
Affidavit John Doe on the aimuse of Before me William Alexander anac=
Josiah P Stevens =ting Justice of the peace for the
vs County of Macon Personally Came
Richard Roe Casual Ejector Charles F Lewis who being duly
William King tenant in Sworn Saith that he this [ ]ssoment
possession did on the 26th dayt of February 1849
personally Serve William King tenant in possession of the prem=
=ises in the Declaration of Ejectment here to annexed, mentioned
with a copy of the Said Declaration and of the notice there=
= under written, here to annexed Summon to before me the 28th
day of February 1849
C F Lewis
William Alexander JP
And at the Spring Term 1849 the following entry was made
John Doe on the demise Appearance Dockit
of Josiah P Stevens Came the Defendant and made the
vs usual Confession, lease entrry ouster
William King and posssession
And at the Fall Term 1849 this case was continued no one
Augment John Doe on the aimuse This day came the parties by their
of Josiah P Stevens Attorneys and there upon came a
vs Jury to wit John R Trellis and
William King eleven other Good and Lawful men
who being impanneled Sworn and Charged, will and truly
to try the issue Joined between the parties adduced, their
evidence, and the Court Charged, the Jury, to which charge the
Plaintiff excessed, and having taken his Bill of Exceptions Set=
ting forth his Exceptions and the ground there of won a new Suit
reserving the right of having the Same presented to the Supreme
Court for according to the Statue in Such case
made and provided, It is therefore Considered by the Court that
the Defendant go hence and recover of the Plaintiff the cost
in this behalf expended for which let Execution issue
Bill of John Doe in thge aimuse Ejectment in the Circuit Court
Exceptions of Josiah P Stevens of Macon County
vs Spring Term 1851
Richard Roe Casual Be it remembered that on this
Ejector & William King ten= the 8th day of April AD 1851 the
=ant in possession cause above Stated came in to be
tried, the Plaintiff offereed in evidence and read to the Jury a
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