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The State of Alabama
Southern Chancery District Division
Thirteenth Chancery District
At a term of the Court of Chancery began
and held for said District at Camden on
the fourth Monday in August A.D. 1848
present the honorable Joseph [2 words illegible]
Chancellor of the Southern Chancery Division
of the State of Alabama. The following cause
came on to be heard and determined and
the record and proceedings had therein
all in words and figures following [2 words illegible].
s. (in left margin) Bill of
The State of Alabama In Chancery at Camden
Wilcox County 13th Chancery District and
Southern Chancery Division of said state
To the Honorable Anderson Crewshaw Chancellor
for the Southern Chancery Division of the State of
Alabama in the Chancery sitting at Camden for
the 13th Chancery District of said state
Humbly complaining your orator Abel E Evans
of the county and state of [unsaid?] showith that [hear to for?]
on the 1st day of september A.D. 1837 the [1 word illegible] with one [Thomas?]
Evans who has since departed this life became the [1 word illegible]
of one [1 word illegible] Smith Evans to a promisary note of which the
following is a copy
$1127.39 Canton Wilcox County September 1st 1837
Twelve months after date we or either of us promise
to pay Sanford Coley or harris Eleven Hundred & twenty seven
39/100 Dollar value [1 word illegible] negotiable and payable at the Branch
of the State of Alabama [or mobile?] Harris Smith Evans
(Signed) A. E. Evans
Thomas Evans
That before the maturity of said note to [wit] some time in the
month of September 1837 the said Thomas Evans one of the
securities to the same [departin?] this life, that after the matu-
-rity of said note the said Sanford Coley [Commisioned] [Smith/Suite?]
on the [Sum], in Wilcox Circuit Court to the spring from
A.D. 1839 of said Court against said Harris Smith Evans
and your [1 word illegible], that after the commencement of said [Smith/Suite?]
and befor the trial [...] thereof, the said Harris Smith Evans
the principal to Sara [1 word illegible] on or about the latter par of August
or the first of September 1839 also departed this life, and
afterwards to wit at the face term A.D 1839 the said Sanford
Coley suggested to the said Circuit Court the death of said
Harris Smith Evans, whereupon it was ordered by Sr Court that
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