The State of Alabama, Limestone County
To any Sheriff of the State of Alabama Greeting
Because in the record and proceedings and also in the
rendering of a Decree in a suit which was in our Chancery
Court, in and for the thirty first Chancery District,
Northern Chancery Division of the State of Alabama
Before the Chancellor thereof, Between John Harden
Complainant and Susan Harden Defendant late of
said District, on a Bill for Divorce, Manifest Error
hath intervened to the great damage of the said Com
plainant; as we are informed - The record and
proceedings of said Decree We have caused to be brought
before the judges of the Supreme Court of said State
of Alabama, for Certain Causes of Error. And being
Willing, that Error if any there be should in due
Manner be corrected And full and speedy justice, done
to the Parties aforesaid as is just. Command you that
you summon the said Susan Harden, that she be
?and? before the judges of said Supreme Court of said
State of Alabama, at the Court house in the Town of
Montgomery on the first Monday in January next
to hear the Record and proceedings aforesaid, if it
shall seem expedient for the said Susan Harden, And
further to do and receive What our said Supreme Court
before the judges thereof shall consider of the said
Susan Harden in this behalf - Witness Thomas G
Tyus Register & Master of said Chancery Court of said
District. This 16th day of July 1849 And in the 74th
year of the Independence of the United States of America
Test Thomas G Tyus R & M
Issued 16th day of July 1849
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