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The State of Alabama

Pleas had at a Chancery Court begun and held for
the Thirty - first Chancery District Northern Chancery Division for the County of
Limestone at the Court house thereof in the Town of Athens on the 4th Monday being
the 28th day of May in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and
forty nine and 73rd year of the Independence of the United States of America before
the Honorable David G Ligon Chancellor

[margin] Bill filed

John Hardin
vs Bill for Divorce
Susan Hardin
Be it rememberedthat heretofore to wit, on the 11th day of
August 1846 was filed in the Office of the Register and
Master of the Chancery Court of the 31st Chancery District Northern Chancery
Division for Limestone County, State of Alabama, a bill in the name of John Har
din complainant against Susan Harden Defendant, in the words and figures
as follows, to Wit,

[margin] Bill of Complaint
To the Honorable, the Chancellor of the Northen Division
of the State of Alabama, Sitting for the Thirty- first District at the Court house of Lime
stone County.

Your Orator John Harden of the County of Limestone and State of
Alabama , respectfully showeth unto your Honor that he was married to one susan
Millhouse at the residence of her father in said County and State, on the second of June
in the year of Our Lord Eighteen hundred and forty two; and that the said Susan continued
to live with him in the matrimonial state, untill the fourteenth of July in the year
suceeding. your Orator would further show your Honor that on the said fourteenth
of July Eighteen hundred and forty three, his wife the said Susan, without any provocation
and for causes totally unknown to your Orator, voluntarily left the bed and board of your
Orator, her husband, with the intention of abandonment, and with the same intention
has remained away from that time untill the filing of this Bill, by the space of more
than three years. Your Orator farther shows your Honor, that he treated the said
Susan, while she lived with him as his wife , with every kindness and affection; and that
he employed every ?act/art? within his power, to secure a return of her affection, and to perpe-
tuate the mutual tranquility and happiness of the family; and that after her voluntary
and causeless departure he spared no exertion to induce her to return, but all was in vain.

Your Orator would farther show your Honor, that for more than three years im-
mediately preceeding the filing of this Bill, in fact for a great number of years, your Orator
has been a resident of Limestone County, in the State of Alabama, and the said Susan
for most of that time, before her said marriage, and all since her unfortunate abandon -
ment of your Orator, has lived in the same neighborhood.

Your Orator would farther show your Honor that the said Susan is now in
possession of a large and valuable seperate Estate, created by the Will of her father who
died within the last month.

In consideration of the premises, your Orator prays your Honor, that
the said Susan Hardin, formerly Susan Millhouse, and now wife of your Orator,
may be made party defendant to this Bill, and for that purpose that Subpoena
issue according to Law, and she be required to answer - Orator farther prays that the
bonds of Matrimony, heretofor solemnized and now subsisting between Complainant
and Defendant, may be dissolved, annulled and made void, and that the Complainant
may be divorced from the said defendant to all intents and purposes, and for such other
and farther relief as may seem equitable, E. J. Jones Sol. for Compt.

Filed in the Office of the Register of the Chancery Court of the 31st Chancery

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