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[margin] To Wit.
District of the Northern Division of the State of Alabama, this the 10th day of August
1846, Test. Robert Austin R. & M.

[margin]Subpoena for the Defendant
The State of Alabama
Thirty first Chancery District Northern Chancery Division

To any Sheriff of the State of Alabama Greeting.

We command you to Summon Susan Hardin, if to be found in. your County
that she laying aside all excuses, personally appear before our next Court of Chancery
to be holden at the Court house in the Town of Athens in the County of Limestone
in and for said Thirty first Chancery District on the fourth Monday in May next
And that she within thirty days after the service of this writ, according to law and
the rules of said Court, answer the Bill of Complaint of John Hardin, exhibited
against her the said Susan Hardin. And further to do and receive what our
said Court shall have considered in that behalf, and this she shall in no wise omit,
herein fail not and have you then and there this writ. Witness Robert Austin
Register of said `court of Chancery at Office in the town of Athens Limestone
County this 10th day of August 1846, and in the 71st year of the Independence
of the United States of America. Issued this 10th day of August 1846.

Test Robert Austin, Register

[margin] Endorsement thereof
(Endorsed) Executed August the 11th 1846. A. M. Sweany. Shff.
(Defendants answer) The answer of Susannah J Hardin , to the Bill of Complaint, heretofore
filed against her in the Chancery Court at Athens by John Hardin Complainant
in which she is sued as Susan Hardin.

This Respondent saving and reserving to herself all advantages arising
from the manifold errors, insufficiences, and untruths, in said Bill Contained, for
answer thereto, or unto so much thereof as she is advised is material for her to
answer unto, answering saith, - That it is true she intermarried with Complainant
at the residence of her father in said County of Limestone on the 2 June 1842 and
that on the 14th July 1843 she left the residence of her said husband, inten-
ding it as a final seperation, not voluntarily and without cause, as is alleged in
said Bill, but for cruel and inhuman treatment on his part, as herein after shown
rendering it impossible for her to live with him, without a conscionsness of self
degradation which would have rendered such an existence miserable.

further answering saith that about six or eight months after said marriage her said
husband without any cause whatever, charged her with sexual intercourse with
One Reuben A Glaze, he afterwards retracted said charge, and admitted that there
was no cause for any such suspicion, and in this way they continued to live
together, he occasionally making such unfounded assertions, until at last they
were of such a character that she was compelled to leave him, and to seek an
asylum elsewhere, she is now living with her aged mother, free from annoyan-
ces of these vulgar and unjust accusations with which she was harrassed by
said Complainant, the immediate cause of her leaving him, was, that a
few days before said fourteenth July 1843, he accused her of having had sexual
intercourse with a negro, she under these circumstances, and by reason of these
false and slanderous charges, left the residence of said Complainant with
the intention of never again living with him,

It is true that respondent

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