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to am Richard B Harrison a copy of which is herewith filed
as an exhibit and will be more particularly described
hereafter, to which your Orator prays leave to refer thereto
so often as it may be necessary. Your Orator the said
Walter Drane states that he was security for the payment
of the purchase of said Land to the said George Williams
that all of the said money has been paid the said George
Williams except the sum of seven hundred and ninety
one dollars for which amount the said George
Williams brought his action against the said William R
Meyer and your Orator in the Circuit Court for Lowndes
County, and on the fifth day of October eighteen hundred
and forty obtained his judgement against the said
William R Meyer and you Orator for the said sum of
seven hundred and ninety one Dollars and nine 1834/100
Dollars cost which said sum of money besides the
interest accruing thereon still due and owing by the
said William R Meyer to the said George Williams.
Your Orator further charges that as the said William
R Meyer previous to the condition of the judgement
aforesaid executed a certain trust Deed conveying his
whole estate to one Richard B Harrison as shall
hereafter be more particularly described that the property of
your Orator is alone subject to the judgement and
execution of the said George Williams. Your Orator
John W Mundy herewith that the said William R Meyer
is indebted to your Orator in the sum of six hundred
and thirty One 80/100 dollars with interest from the 19th
day of July 1840 on a certain promissary note of him the
said William R Meyer payable to your Orator or [bearer?]
a copy of which is herewith filed which said note is
dated the 18th day of July 1840 and payable One day after
date. Your Orator charges that this note was given to
renew a protested draft given by the said Meyer to
your Orator or the said Meyers factor in Mobile
which said draft was for a debt due to your Orator
from the said William R Meyer previous to the
1st day of April 1840, which said note and the
interest thereon is still due and owing to you Orator.
Your Orators Chambliss and Mundy herewith unto
your Honor that the said William R Meyer in
indebted to them in the sum of forty nine 63/100 Dollars.
on his promissary note payable to them with
interest from the 1st of January 1840 dated the 7th of

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