Harrison, Administrator, et al. v. Mock et als.



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B Harrison for the benefit of the creditors by ordering a call of the whole trust estate or of so much thereof as will satisfy and pay the demands of the creditors of the said William R Meyer either for cash or upon such reasonable and proper credit as will best secure the interest of the creditors of the said William R Meyer and that your Honor would in the end grant such other and further decree as Your Orators may justly be entitled to as to Equity may appertain and your Orators as in duty bound will ever pray

Williams Saffold & Williams Comptts. Sars.

State of Alabama] [Whereas I William R Meyer of the Lowndes County] [above State and County being at present unable to pay all my just debts, Am desirous of assigning all my property and effects of whatever kind for the purpose of paying my creditors, therefore be it known that I the said William R Meyer for and in consideration of the sum of One dollar to me in hand paid by Richard B Harrison of the County of Dallas in the State aforesaid as well for other consideration, herein afar expressed have given granted bargained sold and conveyed and by these presents do give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Richard B Harrison the following described property (to wiit) the North West Quarter of the North coast quarter of section No. Fourteen, Township Thirteen and Range Twelve the East half of the North West Quarter of Section No Fourteen Township Thirteen and Range Twelve. The South West quarter of the North West quarter of the same Section Township and Range. The South East quarter, of the South West quarter of Section Eleven in the same Township and Range, the North East quarter of the South West quarter of Section Eleven in the same Township and Range containing in the whole Two Hundred and Forty acres the said tract of land lying and being in the County of Lowndes in the State aforesaid and in the district of land subject to Sale at Cohaba in said State - also all my Negroes as following - Jim, Burrell, Frank, Prince, Aron, Gustun, Phil, Dice, Ed, Ellery, Peggy, Mariah, Chana, Nancy, Eliza, Henry, Rebecca, Susan, Malvina, Hagor, George, Lucy, and Mary, also all my horses and mules, all my stock of Cattle and Hogs all my plantation Tools of

Exhibit [in margin]

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whatever kind, waggon, all my Household and kitchen furniture and all my corn and fodder - To have and to hold all the above described property to the said Richard B Harrison and assigns forever - In trust nevertheless upon the following conditions and for the following purposes, the said Harrison is to take possession of said property and as soon as the same can be done consistently with the interest of the creditors of the said William R Meyer to expose the same to sale and appropriate the proceeds of sale of said property or so much as may be nexessary to the payment of the debts due by the said Meyer on his own account equally and Ratioably without any distinction or preference, and he is further authorised to appropriate the balance if any there be after paying the above described debts for which the said Meyer may be liable as security or endorser equally and ratioably, and without any distinction - In testimony whereof the said William R Meyer have hereunto set my hand and seal this the first day of April in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and forty

Signed William R Meyer [LS]

Exhibit $49 63/100] Benton Feby 1st 1840

One day after date I promise to pay to the Order of Chambliss & Mundy forty nine 63/100 Dollars value received with interest from the first of Jany last. William R Meyer

$631 80/100] Benton July 18th 1840

One day after date I promise to pay to J W Mundy or bearer Six hundred and thirty One 80/100 Dollars for value received William R Meyer

One day after date I promise to pay Mundy & Judge or bearer One Hundred and twenty five dollars value recd Hayneville March 31st 1840

William R Meyer

$57 81/100] Benton 12 Feby 1841

One day after date I promise to pay to Greenwood & Rochelle fifty seven 81/100 Dollars interest from the 1st Jany last Value Received

William R Meyer

Exhibit [in margin]

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410 Exhibit William R Meyer

1810 Bot of Granwood & Rochelle
Jany 1 To 1 Pair martingales 8.50 1 pr Boots $11 13 50
" " 1 Pair Boots for Brizil 9 00
8 To 3 pair Trace chairs 10/- 3 prs Tobacco 10/- 2.50 6 25
" To 2 lbs Tobacco @ 4/- 1 00 29 75
Feby 1 To 9 yds blackout 10/- 11.25 2 yds [??] [Insertig?] 2 11 95
1 pr Blk silk Hose 3.25 2/- white cot Do. 7/- 1.75 5 00
1 pr Br Cot Hose 1 pr slippers 75 pins 13 tape 50 3 01
8 1 Blank Book 508631 Almanac 1/- 62
21 2lb Tobacco 4/- 1.00 2lb Do 8/- 2.00 ppr seed 1/- 3 13
26 1/2yd flannel & 2/- 4511/4 yd Serge 12/- 188 2 prs cord 2/- 50 3 12
" 1 qr paper ( order) 50
28 1 1/2 yd Twist @ 19 27 94
March 2 1 pr Tobacco 13
$57 82
George Williams} Vs William R Meyer} Walter Drane } Amt of Judgt $ 791.00 Cost 9. 18 3/4 Judgt 5th Oct 1840

Grunwood Rochelle & co } vs William R Meyer } Judgt debt $394.69 Cost of Court 7.75 Judgt. 5th Oct 1840 Circuit Court L.Co

Grunwood & Rochelle } vs William R Meyer } Judgt debt $ 102.80 Cost of Court 7.75 Judgt 15th October 1840 Circuit Court

Zachariah A Edwards } vs William R Meyer } Judgt 31st March 1840 for $104.00 Cost 7.75 Received at Fall Term by Shff "No property found"

Bryan & Potter for the use of Benjamin Mock Jr. } vs William R Meyer } Judgt 16th October 1840 for $107.25 Cost 10.37 1/2 Returned at Spring Term 1841 by Sheriff "No property found"

The above is a correct Statement from the execution Docket now in my office June 10th 1841 Robt Perry Clk Circuit Court Lowndes County

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The State of Alabama

Southern Chancery Division, third chancery District at Cahawba. To any Sheriff of the State of Alabama;- Greeting. We command you that you summon William R Meyer and Alfred Harrison of your County, personally to be and appear before our chancellor in our court of chancery at Cahawba, on the third Monday after the third Monday in June A.D. 1841 then and there to make answer under each to a Bill of Complaint lately Exhibited by Zachariah Edwards Benjamin Mock jr and others against said Wm R Meyer Alfred Harrison & others (2 copies of which said Bill accompany this writ, and of which you will personally deliver to each of said defendants); and to answer the same and further to do and perform what our chancellor shall direct and order in this behalf and this the said defendant shall in no wise omit under penalties be. And we further command that you have this writ, with your endorsement thereon, at our said court of Chancery, to be holden at Cahawba on the said third Monday after the third Monday in June 1841

Witness George R Evans. Register of our said Court of chancery at Cahawba, in the Division and District aforesaid, at Office in Cahwba, this third day of July in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Forty One and of American Independence the sixty fifth year Geo R Evans Register

Issued 3d day or July 1841

Executed by leaving Copy of Bill and Subpoena with W R Meyer and I accept service of the same July 14th 1841. A Harrison Shff

The State of Alabama

Southern chancery Division, third chancery District at Cahawba. To any Sheriff of the State of Alabama Greeting. We command you that you Summon Richard B Harrison of Dallas County, personally to be and appear before our chancellor, in our court of Chancery at Cohawba, on the third Monday after the third Monday in June 1841 then and there to make answer under Oath to a Bill of Complaint lately exhibited A

Subpoena [in margin] Shffs Return [in margin] Subpoena [in margin]

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Edwards, Benjamin Mock jr & others against said Richard B Harrison & others [1 copy of which said Bill accompany this writ, of which you will personally deliver to said Defendant); and to answer the same, and further to do and perform what our chancellor shall direct and order in this behalf, and this the said defendant shall in no wise omit under penalties, & c, And we further command that you have this writ, with your endorsement thereon, at our said Court of Chancery, to be holden at Cahawba on the said third Monday after the third Monday in June 1841.

Witness George R Evans, Register of said Court of Chancery at Cahawba, in the Division and District aforesaid, at Office in Cohawba, this 26th day of July in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and forty One and of American Independance the Sixty Sixth year Geo R Evans Register Issued 26th day of July 1841

Recd 6th July 1841 Executed by leaving a copy of the writ and Bill with Defendant 10 Julu 1841

F O Holloway Shff pr A Jones D Shff

The State of Alabama] [In chancery Dallas County] [The seperate answer of Richard B Harrison to he Original bill of Complaint of Zachariah Edwards, Benjamin Mock jr Walter Drane, John W Mundy & others Complainants. This deft saving & reserving unto himself all benefit & advantage of exception which can or may be taken to the many errors uncertainty & insufficiences in the said Complainants Bill of Complaint contained for answer thereunto or so much and such parts thereof as this Defendant is advised is or are material as necessary for him to make answer unto this Defendant answering south [?].

That as to the debts alleged by them to be due respectively to the complainants, respectively from said William R Meyer the judgements obtained the amounts costs & interest the execution issued the returns and all by the Sheriff the grounds & considerations of said debts & judgements- the purchase of land by said Meyer of George Williams the securityship of said Drane for the purchase

ans of Richd B Harrison [in margin]

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