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Johnson v.s. Culbreath et. al.
Eschibit B
L.N. Cannon adm of| Joel Cannon deceased| v.s. William J Willis|
Came the parties into court came a jury of good & lawful men to wit Elijah Muckleroy & eleven others who being elected sworn & chosen will & truly to try the issue upon their oath do say they find the issue in favor of the plaintiff and assess his damage at two hundred & forty three dollars damage. It is therefore considered by the Court that the Plff recover of the Dft: the sum of two hundred & forty three dollars damage also the costs of suit for which excecution may issue
Filed in office Feb. 5th 1848 R.G.Earle Register
Subpoena for Crop Bill
The State of Alabama, Benton County To any coroner of the state of Alabama- Greeting You are hereby commanded to summon Angus B Culbreath and Larkin N Cannon adm of the estate of Joel M Cannon decd. personally to appear before me, Register & Master of the Chancery Court: holden for the 39th district, in the town of Jacksonville, and the County aforesaid & within thirty days nesct, after the service of this subpoena then & there to answer the allegations charge & the interrogatories contained in the Crop bill of complaint eschibited against them by William J Willis Sheriff of Benton County & esc officio the administrator of Barbara Cannon deceased. Herein fail not and due return make of this writ, within the said thirty days: Witness Richard G Earle Register of our said Chancery Court, at this office in Jacksonville this 27th day of February in the year of our Lord 1848 and of American Independence the 72nd year. R.G. Earle Register &.c. issued 27th day of February 1848
Came to hand the 29 February and served on the parties the 16 of March 1848 J Allen Coroner of Benton County
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Johnson v.s. Culbreath
The State of Alabama Benton County. To any Coroner of the state of Alabama - Greeting You are hereby commanded to summon Angus B Culbreath, & Larkin N Cannon Adm of Joel M Cannon deceased & Elijah Culbreath and Malcolm Culbreath personally or by attorney to appear before one, Register & Master of the Chancery Court holden for the 39th district, in the town of Jacksonville, and the County aforesaid, & within thirty days nesct after the service of this subpoena- then & there to answer the allegations charged, and the interrogatories contained in the crop bill of complaint eschibited against them by William J. Willis Sheriff of Benton County & esc officio administrator of Barbara Cannon deceased. Herein fail not & due return make of this writ within the said thirty days- Witness: Richard G. Earle Register of our said Chancery Court, at his office in Jacksonville this 27th day of February in the year of our Lord 1848 and of American independence the 72nd year R.G. Earle Register &.c. Issued 27th day of February 1848
Answer of N. Cannon
In Chancery|
The seperate answer of Larkin N Cannon Adm of the estate of Joel Cannon deceased to the bill & amended bill of cmplainant of Niven D.S. Culbreath against this respondent, Wm J. Willis Adm &.c. et alias This respondent saving & reserving to himself all benefit of escceptons to the errors & imperfections in complainants Bill contained, for answer thereto says: That of this own knowledge he knows nothing of the statements & allegations in said bill in relation to the will of Malcolm McPhail bequeathing to the children of Flora Culbreath a certain negro woman named Leah & her childfen but from information he believes that the facts contained as set forth by complainant as to the making of said will, its admission to probate, the No. of children
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Johnson Culbreath
Answer of L.N. Cannon
the removal of the property to this state the intermarriage of Joel Cannon respondents intestate to Barbara Culbreath are true and that his intestate by said intermarriage with the said Barbara Cannon became entitled to one fifth of the bequest of the said Malcolm McPhail that is an interest in one fifth part in said negro woman Leah & her increase of his own personal knowledge he knows nothing of the division of said negroes among the heirs of Flora Culbreath on the 1st of January 1846 but from information states that he believes such a division took place & that by said division the negro woman Leah & her child Ann were assigned to his intestate Joel M Cannon, this respondent also admits that he has since been informed & believes that at the time of said division to wit the 1st of January 1846 the complainant was under the age of twenty one years as stated in his bill of complaints as to the fairness or unfairness of said division he knows nothing esccept from complainants bill and as he is informed by others from such information he admits that the negro girl assigned to complainant was not as valuable as those assigned to the other distributies. This respondent admits the death of Joel M Cannon & his wife Barbara Cannon & that his co Dft. Wm J. Willis was appointed adm: with the will annesced of Barbara Cannon whose death as stated in complainants Bill took place after the death of the said Joel. This defendant also admits as stated in complainants amended bill that on the day of he was appointed adm: of the estate of Joel M Cannon deceased & as charged by complainant commenced an action as adm. of Joel M. Cannon of trover in Benton Circuit Court against said Willis for the recovery of said negro woman Leah, Ann, and another infant child of the said Ann together with several articles of personal property belonging to the estate of the said Joel which had been taken possession of by the said Willis, this respondent further states that at the time of commencement
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Johnson v.s. Culbreath
Answer of L.N. Cannon
of said action he knows nothing of the any unfairness or inequality in the division of said negroes or that complainant at the time of said division was under age but knowing that said negro woman & her children after said division had remained in the possession of the said Joel until the time of his death & in the possession of his family afterwards until taken possession of by the said Willis he supposed his intestates rights to said negroes to be complete & absolute & under such belief commenced the said action as adm., but upon the trial the said Willis proved that the complainant in this bill was under the age of twenty one years at the time of said division & consequently your respondent recovered against him only the value of an undivided fifth part of said negroes Leah, Ann and her child which fifth part was valued by the jury at about two hundred dollars the amt. of the judgement obtained by respondent was two hundred & forty three dollars & costs but this included several articles of personal property which were included in the declaration & which it was proven said Willis had converted to his use, an escecution issued upon siad judgement & is now in the hands of the proper officer but has not been satisfied. This respondent having now fully answered all the statements & allegations in complainants bill states in conclusion that he is willing that this Honorable Court should make a division of the negro woman Leah & her chil increase to the proper distributies under the will of the said Malcolm McPhail & prays to be hence dismissed &.C. McCampbell & Foster Sols for Cannon
Jurat ofAns.
The State of Alabama| Benton County|
personally appeared before me R G Earle Register &.c. Larkin N Cannon Adm: of the estate of Joel M Cannon deceased & made oath that the statements and admissions in the foregoing answer
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Jurat of Ans.
contained when stated as of his own knowledge are true and when stated as on information he believes them to be true. Subscribed & sworn before me this 29th day of January 1848 L.N. Cannon R.G. Earle Register &.c.
Filed in office 29. Janu. 1848 R.G. Earle Register &.c.
Crop bill of L.N. Cannon
To the Hon. David G. Ligon Chancellor of the Northern Chancery Division of the State of Alabama sitting at Jacksonville for 39th Chancery District Humbly complaining showeth unto your Honor your orator Larkin N Cannon administrator of the estate of Joel M. Cannon deceased a citizen of Benton county that sometime since one Niven D.S. Culbreath filed his Bill of Complaint in your Honors Court against William Johnson Angus B Culbreath Malcolm Culbreath Elijah Culbreath & Wm J. Willis administrator of the estate of Barbara Cannon deceased setting forth among other things that the grand father of said complainant Malcolm McPhail many years since made his will in the state of North Carolina which will was duly admitted to record according to the laws of said state which said will is made an Eschibit to said Bill of Complaint & to whch your orator begs leave to refer as a part of this his Crop Bill as fully as if the same was here copied by which said will the Testator bequeathed unto his grand children who were the children of Flora Culbreath a negro woman named Leah and in case she said Flora should have other children then they should share equally with those in escistence in the said negro girl & her increase, that the said negro girl & her children should remain undivided until the youngest of those children of Flora Culbreath should come of age that after the making of said will the said Flora Culbreath departed this life leaving the following children to wit Barabara Culbreath